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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PenelopeWitherspoon

  1. https://store.kamalaharris.com/designersfordemocracy/?utm_source=kh_em_st_20240815_b5_thmt_tier1_rtb_mer_fl_gph-ac&utm_medium=20240815_email&link_id=1&can_id=fa2f2ae5bd68b4a046ceacc37a034b3b&email_referrer=email_2418105&email_subject=new-designers-for-democracy-collection
  2. There have been rumors for years about Barron, but he was underage and not involved in anything political, so people largely kept quiet. However, he has been tapped to try and swing Gen Z on TikTok, so the gloves are off now. All the rumors are starting to see the light of day. This is most likely why Melania didn't want him to be involved.
  3. And, maybe just maybe, there should be free breakfasts and lunches for all kids at all schools and before and after school programs that are free for kids to get help with school work and participate in extracurriculars. This isn't hard...but Texas.
  4. I posted this because I have absolutely been, in my professional career, the victim of both sexism/misogyny and the fucking glass ceiling. It doesn't help when for years, people have used phrases like, "Cry like a girl" or "Throw like a girl" or "Hit like a girl" to insult male children. Honestly, enough is enough. Men have been in power for 200+ years here in the US. We have a country that is more than 50% female, and yet the makeup of Congress doesn't reflect that. Time to let us be in charge.
  5. Flavor Flav has Jordan's back. f3e7a979055812b48181fbf8833a2224.mp4
  6. Harvey has been a real asshole today. But he’s still super handsome.
  7. I am sure the TikTok dancers who posted that originally love that someone stole their post and implanted Tweedle Dum and Dumbers' heads on their bodies without asking permission, giving appropriate credit, or paying.
  8. I have wanted to visit Ravenna since I was in college when I took an Architecture as Art class.
  9. It is still about 3 months out to the election. Can I just say I hate this long election cycle. Can we be more like France and condense the whole fucking mess into 4 months or so?
  10. He is an absolute moron, like a lot of NYC cops. Do they live in Staten Island?
  11. This, ladies and gentleman, is a fine example of what being in a cult looks like. Holy shit. Anyone educated in Texas shold be ashamed that people like BuddysBud and UntoldSpirit were even a high school diploma. Talk about a lack of reason and critical thinking skills. Good Lord! When you have lost the Wall Street Journal...
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