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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PenelopeWitherspoon

  1. I still have not seen the Sleeping Beauty exhibit. And yeah, Morning Member hours is the ONLY way to go.
  2. Did we properly appreciate Hinchliffe’s hair earlier?
  3. Watch Ledecky’s reaction to Finke’s swim. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRosXED7/
  4. USA now sits a top the medal total in both total medals, it also tied for most gold with China (Though I don’t think the two China has for swimming should count as they are dopers).
  5. Wow. Great race. Lyles put up when he had to.
  6. Their two swimming gold medals definitely have massive asterix marks beside them. Especially that medly relay gold. Just bullshit that the IOC continues to let this happen (East Germany, USSR/Russia, and China all blatent cheaters in my lifetime).
  7. The Star Spangled Banner is the last anthem in the pool for this competition. Regan Smith also just found out she just broke the Olympic record in the 100 back (the lead off in the relay counts as an official individual time).
  8. It is a poster, the official one of the Paris Olympics. It is pretty cool. They also get a Louis Vuitton medal case.
  9. The USA and Australia have been beating this drum. the USA was told to drop it or the Winter Olympics in SLC in 2034 would be in jeopardy. Such bullshit.
  10. What a fucking swim by the USA. Go Ladies! You did it. That should shut Austalia up.
  11. The problem with the Chinese testing is that so far, WADA has deferred to the Chinese testing authority. They are dirty.
  12. Ok, so USA and Australia are tied at 7 golds. Overall swimming medal total stands at 26 for the USA and 17 for Oz. Two more races to go. So this Paris Olympics better than the one in 1900.
  13. What a fucking swim by Bobby Finke! Holy shit. Gold and a WR!
  14. Some of the most emotion I have ever seen Djoko express. Well done.
  15. Bullshit. China and Russia have definitely been dirty very recently, but not something with the other nations. Your FIFY is dumb.
  16. US is now only 1 gold behind Australia. It will be close as we wrap up the meet tomorrow.
  17. Different Walsh. This is Gretchen. That was Alex that was DQd.
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