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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by TheAuditor

  1. I remain convinced that Aggie Brass has a plan. That plan is to stay quiet and get past the regular season, and let the steam blow off the fan base. They will fire an assistant (OL) or two to help with the reset narrative. They will pump up the best class ever (all 3-4 of them that are left) as juniors to the masses, and then they will wait to see what happens at Kyle with Texas. They can't bring in a new coach and then lose the opener to Texas they cried so hard for with SEC. That's a deadly combination for both the AD and the new coach with the BMA. Jimbo stays, everyone rallies around the flag, and if he loses to Texas they probably fire him before he can get back to his car in the lot. The wildcard is Max. If he is really done and they somehow lose out then they may not have a choice - but that would be a locker-room implosion similar to....well aggie last year I suppose.
  2. They are working on it: https://thebeermile.org/pages/beer-mile-rules
  3. Kstate beat Texas to help them down the road of this retched 13 year journey. CK was part of those teams. He was a good running QB in a running QB system in college. Congrats. He couldn't get a contract much less playing time in the NFL because he was a shitty thrower. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1639341-collin-klein-doesnt-receive-contract-offer-from-houston-texans So CK went to the CFL where he signed a contract and was cut two months later after proving again he was a shitty thrower. Here was his coach's thoughts on the great CK after his first and only preseason game appearance: “I like his deep ball,” Dinwiddie told the Gazette. “He turns it over well. But there’s obviously some limitations passing. His throwing motion’s a little bit different. When I first saw him throw, I wasn’t really impressed by him. “During the season — if he’s around — we’ll definitely put a package together for him. Obviously, he runs like a deer.” https://web.archive.org/web/20161203183043/http://themercury.com/articles/collin-klein-released-by-cfl-team
  4. Yep, none of the big10 coaches seem to think it's a big deal, and they are in theory in D1 football. Oh wait, what's that? That's bullshit and they do think it's a big deal and they want the B10 Commish to act? https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/38798293/big-ten-coaches-urge-conference-take-action-michigan-sign-stealing-emotional-call
  5. Texas - 30 Grass Kitty - 24 210 punting
  6. From the interweb machine: "I'm very proud of the first two seasons. But it's a very expensive show and, in the eyes of Netflix, we didn't attract enough of an audience to justify such an investment," Fincher said during an interview with Forbes back in February 2023. "I don't blame them, they took risks to get the show off the ground, gave me the means to do Mank the way I wanted to do it and they allowed me to venture down new paths with The Killer. It's a blessing to be able to work with people who are capable of boldness. The day our desires are not the same, we have to be honest about parting ways."
  7. I'm here for the forensic accounting discussion. Let's start by distinguishing between Tax Law, Tax Regulation, PCAOB and GAAP....
  8. This seems like a quality system, however I don't believe that most wives are capable or willing of this type of support for several reasons: a) They would have to watch the game b) They would need to understand the score and any change in said score c) They would have to care about your sports insanity and be willing to have you be a drunken mess the rest of Saturday. Did you use one of the Surely Eastern European wife search engines?
  9. They also won a national title in 1952 and shared a national title in 1965. They have another whole generation of football irrelevance to get into ATM's neighborhood.
  10. Joey is an idiot.
  11. Texas 30 BYU 17 MM: 14-24: 214
  12. A murder of Census? A gaggle?
  13. I have no Dog in this fight, but Michigan is probably the closest comparable to Texas in terms of how their Administration, Alumni, and Boosters view themselves. If you substituted Texas for Michigan here, do you think our Coaching staff survives?
  14. Props on User Name.
  15. Did what work? You made a statement that QE was hurt worse that "most" think based on zero information. I never said he wasn't hurt. It looks like it's the least impactful of the three rumored outcomes (AC sprain vs separation or clavicle). So in short, go look in the mirror and ask yourself why you suck, and write I won't play internet Doctor 1000 times in your diary.
  16. Plus we really need to fuck up tech on the way out so it's imprinted on Joey's small brain his proper place. Somebody get Quinn some Icy Hot and a heating pad.
  17. I have no response to this other than the thread title has been in my head since Ou game. Need to send up the patterson bat signal
  18. WTF is this. You an Orthopedic forensic doctor? You know what we know. Jack fucking shit.
  19. Agree this is coaching malpractice on both sides of the ball
  20. Sark play calling in 2nd qtr was atrocious defensive pressure and contain broke down pk gets super conservative - and we decide to play three levels of depth chart on defense
  21. I'm shocked there are actual public Houston fans on the Internet or even a forum for both of them to meet. I did go look at their record, and they have 13 conference winning records since 2000, 6 more than the aggies. Maybe farmer should pay attention, although they both seem to use the same stadium architects.
  22. I love how all these insurance agent interns think that money isn't a real issue here, and that the day after the LSU game they'll fire Jimbo AND announce his replacement. I mean Aggie is Aggie, so there could be a Red-Ass Billionaire out there that says "fuck it" here's 120M, hit the red reset button, but I doubt it. As many here have documented, that's a shit load of money. They are likely to finish 7-5, and they'll assume 8-5 with bowl game, and give him one more year. They do not want to spend 120M flipping a staff to lose to Texas in Year 1. They'd rather hang that on Jimbo's corpse.
  23. Tex - 48 bleacher erector set gumps - 13 295 yds passing
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