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  1. Our favorite is Vietnamese cà phê sữa đá. First had it in a little cafe in Go Cong. Our favorite is made with Cafe Du Monde coffee which contains Chicory root. https://thekitchencommunity.org/vietnamese-coffee-recipe-cafe-sua-da-recipe/
  2. Gotta put those immigrants somewhere. Purchase Greenland and rename it New Liberia. A Donald Trump Master Planned Colony brought to you by the ACS
  3. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/motorsports/ken-paxton-sues-ncaa-over-transgender-athletes-participation-in-women-s-sports/ar-AA1wkUZe
  4. NC had 640 yds offense and was penalized for 97 yds
  5. To go 16-0 against that schedule is damn impressive. 817 Bitches!
  6. Westlake surge has commenced 35-14 Oops 43-14 now
  7. Somebody told me they borrowed it from Howard University.
  8. Prosper ISD has four elementary schools in Celina. All those Northern burbs ISDs have schools in numerous municipalities.
  9. I had no idea there are 11 divisions of TX 6 man.
  10. TexPx

    RIP Slim Dunlap

    Saw him with The Replacements in ‘87 shortly after he joined, then later in ‘91. He was great. R.I.P.
  11. This hits close to home. I noticed a lot of drone traffic in our neighborhood in the past few months. Then, out walking the dogs and stumbled across one of their staging facilities and snapped some pics. After some research I discovered they are from a corporation headquartered in Arkansas with an international facilities in at least 19 countries. Best not to say anything further but I will continue to monitor.
  12. SOC over Argyle 20-3 at the half SOC pick 6 with 40s left in the half
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