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Everything posted by TexPx

  1. That was a pretty badass Rally car in its day.
  2. On the verge of demanding to speak to the manager.
  3. Bill who?
  4. Maybe he should sue the Legislators who are pushing vouchers. Section 1, Article VII, Texas Constitution (Tex. Official) THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION ARTICLE 7. EDUCATION Sec.A1.AASUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF SYSTEM OF PUBLIC FREE SCHOOLS. A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people, it shall be the duty of the Legislature of the State to establish and make suitable provision for the support and maintenance of an efficient system of public free schools. (Feb. 15, 1876.)
  5. TexPx

    Texas Primaries

    Looking at the sample ballot in my county there are 11 contested State races and 3 Federal on the D ballot. On the R ballot there are 32 State and 5 Federal.
  6. Kinda weird that when I was watching this Ivan Cantu was executed in Huntsville.
  7. Yeah. Very well done. Pretty powerful at times.
  8. TexPx

    Texas Primaries

  9. TexPx

    Texas Primaries

    I know the D running against Patterson. She told me please don’t vote in the R primary. (Paraphrasing) *Parties use this primary hard data to determine support, policy and candidates. *Lessens choice of candidates because the numbers show there is no support *Hard data will show D’s can’t get votes in your area * You are publicly declaring you are a R *Does no real good because you are either voting for a Paxton MAGA asshole or an Abbott MAGA asshole
  10. TexPx

    Texas Primaries

    Well, according to his website his political hero is Ron Paul…
  11. TexPx

    Texas Primaries

    Dude ran against Angela Paxton in the 2022 Senate primary and got 34.8 % Right wing muckraker site “Current Revolt” claimed he was a Democratic infiltrator.
  12. TexPx

    Texas Primaries

    District 12
  13. Ball ran a 10.5 100(handheld)in his first track meet last week. Also got a Georgia offer.
  14. I didn’t see a break down but they are mostly moving to the big cities. I would imagine jobs in the service industry, retail and health care along with corporate relocations are some reasons. I don’t know if recent social legislation has changed things in the last couple of years.
  15. Clowns to the left of me Jokers to the right Here I am stuck in the middle with you
  16. Sounds interesting. ‘God Save Texas' Richard Linklater Leads Powerfully Personal HBO Docuseries About the Lone Star State’ https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/god-save-texas-review-richard-linklater-leads-powerfully-personal-hbo-docuseries-about-the-lone-star-state/ar-BB1hdhLV
  17. OK. but I ain’t got no speakers, ain’t got no headphones Ain’t got no records to play
  18. I got some groceries, some peanut butter to last a couple of days…
  19. If you like WRC Red Bull Tv app has live and archived coverage. Looks pretty good on my Roku. First race of the season was last week in Monaco. Next up Sweden 2/16
  20. So all those states are willing to take some of the immigrants and help process them to help us out?
  21. I was wondering that. She had two bags like she was coming back from vacation. Also didn’t he say they left in his car? Did they find his Camry and where? What happened to the webcam they said he placed in their bedroom?
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