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Everything posted by TexPx

  1. Up on Cripple Creek (The Band) Spike Jones Smoke on the Water (Deep Purple) Zappa I Dig Rock and Roll Music (Peter, Paul & Mary) Mamas & Papas, Beatles, Donavan From Hank to Hendrix (N. Young) Faron Young (Prefab Sprout) Hey 19(Steely Dan) Aretha Bob Wills is still the King (Waylon) Drunken Angel (Lucinda) Doesn’t say a name but you know who Blaze’s Blues(Townes Van Zandt) Same as above
  2. I like the atheists. The don’t leave flyers or bang on the door to invite me to their place of worship. Which they tell me is very inclusive.
  3. TexPx


    RSD 50th anniversary release.
  4. Location of Fyre Festival ‘23.
  5. I downloaded the book this is based on before I saw the movie. Was so fucked up I almost put it down and then found out it was based on a true story. “Why The Girl Next Door's True Story Makes The Movie Harder To Watch” https://screenrant.com/girl-next-door-movie-true-story-harder-watch/
  6. FWIW Our city straddles two house districts. According to Balotpedia the combined candidate’s expenditures of the last election were: Rs-1,247,280 Ds-151,378
  7. Don’t know about anyplace else but I know someone on the Oaklawn Foundation in Hot Springs. They have pumped a bunch of money into the community. As far as our public beaches, we are trying to fuck them up too. https://www.victoriaadvocate.com/opinion/letter-lawmaker-tries-to-grab-public-beaches-for-private-owners/article_4d65e004-d4d1-11ed-941c-6f1965ddb8c9.html
  8. I’m confused. I thought we supposed to be tough on crime.
  9. Cheers!
  10. Is that a pubic hair on his beer glass?
  11. Two that I hear. Bet you can guess who.
  12. Birria Torta from my local Taco joint.
  13. Saw them on this tour in ‘95. First big tour after the release of Trace. What’s really cool is 12 days earlier I saw Wilco after their debut album at the same venue.
  14. Have most of his Traffic stuff but his solo stuff was a bit too Pop for my tastes at the time. Always thought he was supremely talented. Wife drug me to a Starplex concert and he was great.
  15. Forgot how great Dave Mason’s Alone Together album is. “Alone Together is the debut solo album by former Traffic member Dave Mason, released in 1970. Mason was joined on the album by a roster of guest musicians, including Bonnie Bramlett, Leon Russell, Jim Capaldi, Rita Coolidge, Carl Radle and Jim Gordon. The song "Only You Know and I Know" reached number #42 on the Billboard charts in the US and was the record's major commercial success”
  16. Advertisers getting their money’s worth.
  17. At least we have a bright future when The Olds are gone. https://crunder30.com/
  18. Saw it at The Inwood when it was released. Brought back good memories from a year before.
  19. Done that a couple of times with my Vespa. Most recently last month. They only did that to me when I did it online. When I do it in person they ask me if it has been driven or if I’ve gotten any tickets and give me a sticker from the current month.
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