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Everything posted by TexPx

  1. I’m a fan of Pogi. I love to see the leader riding aggressively, but would have liked to have seen Matty win the stage. Tejay was bitching post race that mean old Pogi should throw a bone to some other riders. When they asked Powless about it he mentioned he should be true to his team who worked their asses off to get him in position to take the stage.
  2. Wow
  3. https://www.secretservice.gov/careers/APAT
  4. A woman already beat him in the popular vote. Even before he was a convicted felon.
  5. From The Internet!
  6. Sounds reasonable
  7. Chips guy spent the night in jail.
  8. I have no idea but it doesn’t seem like punctured lung, several broken ribs and a broken collarbone a couple of months before Le Tour could be helpful. If Pog wins won’t this be the first time since Pantani a rider won the Giro an TdF in the same year?
  9. Jonas staying this close after a horrific crash and hugely disrupted training and very weakened team. Hmmm.
  10. I was gonna vote Trump but I prefer Candidates who don’t get shot.
  11. I was planning on watching that movie tonight. Changed my mind for some reason.
  12. When is Trump going to do one of these press conferences?
  13. Doesn’t matter what he says. Every gaffe, stutter or pause will be amplified by the Media.
  14. Vlasov
  15. My first serious mt bike was a Klein Pinnacle. Bought the frame and built it up myself. Raced it a couple of seasons then stripped the paint off and went bare aluminum. Pretty stealth looking.
  16. Sure would have cut down on the dust.
  17. I think that’s the big Del Webb Retirement Community.
  18. I’m seeing 1 from McKinney. 5 from Dallas and I guess a few more if you include Dallas County.
  19. I’ll let him know. He’s a UT grad. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/upshot/2020-election-map.html
  20. Yes Denton County part of Frisco as well as Denton County is more conservative.
  21. Yes I do have it bookmarked.
  22. Frisco is not Collin County. Jan 6 arrests were 2 out of over 200,000 (230,00 now) people. Does not seem like a “MAGA stronghold” Frisco demographics have changed rapidly. White population is now only about 48%. Population is youngish and well educated. Not typical MAGA stronghold demographics.
  23. Frisco is not a “MAGA stronghold”
  24. Biden is President. He has immunity. Just get Soros to buy the required number of Electors.
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