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Everything posted by Cement

  1. If only someone had warned Biden about Russia 10 years ago. If only.
  2. Liberals: "Critical Race Theory is NOT being taught in K-12 schools." Also liberals: "But don't even think about transparency; you'll have to trust us because we know what's best for your kid. And don't forget to mask up your 5 year old." And I love how they call parents "political organizations." Shows you what they think of you.
  3. Every time Mueller took a shit it was headline news for 2 years. But actual criminal behavior now uncovered? Barely a peep because it was done by the "good guys."
  4. The science changed in 2 weeks... ...and this is the data driving the science.
  5. Tell that to Stacey Abrams. I cannot BELIEVE that she would put all of these children at risk like this. For shame!
  6. I try to avoid touching IUDs left on the road as well. That's just nasty.
  7. About 40,000 customers without power statewide; down from about 70K this morning. ERCOT and PUC doing exceptional work. https://poweroutage.us/area/state/texas
  8. All of you doomsmiths hoping for a grid failure so that your boy Robert Francis can skateboard his way into office can go suck a fat one right next to your mom.
  9. Did California fall into the ocean? No? Well, more work to be done I guess.
  10. Ha ha even Biden apologist and "Republicans agsint Trump" founder Bill Kristol is like wtf.
  11. All this voter suppression nonsense is just priming the country for refusing to accept the results from the inevitable asskicking when the GOP takes the Democrats behind the woodshed in November. Enjoy the midterms libs!
  12. For 4 years we were told that Trump was Putin's puppet. Today Biden is serving up Ukraine on a silver platter.
  13. But let's go ahead and mandate the vaccines for children & teenagers (populations that have a virtual zero risk of serious illness).
  14. If Sotomayor says there are, no link needed. Amiright?
  15. A reminder that journos are garbage.
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