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Herbie Hancock

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  1. Never thought it was worth the hype. Back when it was $110/ bottle I grabbed one and I reckon it’s still 60% full.
  2. I don’t pay much attention to a lot around here, but even I know that joke is wayyyy off the mark lol.
  3. 4 does last night and 1 this morning. Put the rifle away and went shed hunting after that. Found a shit load of single 3 points, but on the way back to the buggy I found this set. My first matching set in probably a decade
  4. You won’t regret it. I’ve got one that is 24 years old and it’s got no quit in it.
  5. The man just bought $70 boots. Not sure he’s gonna be down with $300+ on a belt lol. But I do love my Double J’s. I’m down to 3 now, and the youngest one is 17 years old.
  6. So that was not fun.
  7. Just got two to work on before heading into work. Just muddy enough that I’m gonna have to take the 4 wheeler to go do it, so that’s gonna be real fuckin fun.
  8. 14 and feels like -2 according to WeatherBug station about 5 miles away. Dropped a round bale in the bed of the truck for the drive to work in the morning. 3:30 gonna be a cold bitch
  9. 56 degrees ten minutes ago. 47 now. Pepper your angus folks
  10. I just finished #17 of an 83 book true crime series. My favorite so far! Hank the Cowdog and the Case of the Car-Barkaholic Dog was riveting!
  11. Yes, and I said that above. When an incident happens on a runway, the response is much different than your average 911 response. ARFF units can’t proceed across the yellow line until cleared by the tower to do so. Tower will only clear you to do that if all traffic is halted. If we have a heads up (pilot calls in the alert prior to attempting landing, that can be accomplished before they land and units can be staged on the tarmac and once plane has made ground contact they will immediately proceed to the aircraft. Given how quickly they got there and put the fire out, I’m going to guess that is what happened because I don’t know shit about flying planes, just picking up the pieces after they don’t land so well.
  12. Judging from the multiple videos of the plane coming in for landing as well as the quick response from the ARFF units I’m guessing they knew they had an issue and had called the alert in to the tower.
  13. FF to the 0:20 mark
  14. I know this place can go off the rails worse than Charlie Sheen on a Tuesday in Palmdale, but I absolutely did not have a Katie Hnida reference on my offseason bingo card. When I think of Katie Hnida, I’m reminded that she’s only the second most annoying kicker to come out of Colorado, right behind that douche canoe that kicked barefoot for the Buffs in 99-00-ish.
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