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Herbie Hancock

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  1. I do the survey at the bottom of my receipt every time. Not for the $250 gift card, but for the sole purpose of letting them know how infuriating the personal shoppers are. It’s obviously not working, but I’m not stopping my crusade.
  2. If I had to guess I’m somewhere in the ballpark of 300-ish.
  3. I can work in the moment just fine. I’ve worked with people that lost their shit in the middle of the scene. That’s unprofessional and irresponsible. We get paid to keep our shit together when everyone else is losing theirs. It’s after the adrenaline wears off and you’re left to yourself that it becomes real. I have visitors from the past all the time. Best way I can explain it is it’s like the ghosts that Tommy Gavin sees in Rescue Me. The one that comes to see me more than the others is the 12 year old girl that hung herself in the garage with an extension cord because mom and mommy’s boyfriend chose her older sister to participate in the 3 way porno they made.
  4. He’s not unfazed, he’s just good at hiding it….for now.
  5. I saw two people die today, and my day is only 75% complete. Huzzah?
  6. If Montgomery doesn’t nail down the 5th starter spot in AZ I’d take a flyer on him if the snakes would eat the majority of his owed $
  7. I met the daughter/ex-wife a few weeks ago at Parker County Brewing grand re-opening.
  8. I was going for alliteration, and I refuse to acknowledge Dumas as a city instead of a sanctuary for the mentally deficient so D was out of the question.
  9. These conditions were predicted for an area ranging from Perryton to Portales to Pearsall. If you know how to cover that kind of territory I’m all ears.
  10. Joc get skinny yet or is he embracing his inner Matt Stairs?
  11. Brief due to their own fault or just the nature of the beast? Obviously I grew up a couple hours west, but we had our “badasses” just the same. 98% of those washed out and were back home within 18 months. Crazy to think that of all the legitimate badasses my part of the world produced, the only ones to make a name for themselves are Colt McCoy and Case Keenum. Those guys were so far down the list of area studs it is insane to try and comprehend.
  12. Flickerstick (or what’s left of them) reunited a few years ago for a couple shows. Wife was a huge fan, so I snagged tix. Saw them in May of ‘22 I believe at House of Blues Dallas. Honest to god I couldn’t name you a song of theirs, but she loved it.
  13. Wait until I tell you Edna from Loop lived most of her life in Fluvanna after doing a short stretch in Rhineland.
  14. My great grandma’s name was Edna Earle, but she was from Loop.
  15. You spent the majority of your adult life dealing with stupid humans. What about that experience would make you think they’ve gotten smarter since you rang the bell?
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