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Herbie Hancock

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Everything posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. Is this the same as that little voice in your head that says “that’s not a good idea, don’t do that?”. Because I have a buddy from my younger days named Ed, and god bless him, Ed didn’t have that voice. Fat girl at the bar trying to cockblock you from her hot friend? Ed was on it. Power hour with Austin Nichols wild turkey? Ed was on it. Piss on a cop car while the cop was sitting in it? I have just the man for you, and his name is Ed.
  2. Wind has been insane. Blew so hard it was spinning my feeder plate and I’ve got about a 100 pound pile of corn on the ground. Fuckin hell
  3. Brian is great people. I live in the area, and with Fud being a hoity toity Aledo honk I was just having some fun. Springtown D has consistently been what takes them deep, and it looks like the offense can keep up as well. I’m also puzzled by the thrashing Springtown gave Graham not leading to a better ranking. If Graham is so hot, then I’m not sure how you don’t account for that game. This Friday against Decatur should be tough even with Decatur being down by their standards.
  4. It was tongue in cheek, and Fud will know that. But I am curious how many Springtown games you’ve seen? Joshua is 4-4 on the year, and the last 5 opponents aren’t anything I would crow about holding scoreless. I’ve seen every Springtown game this year with the exception of Diamond Hill. Graham being ranked #5 after getting mollywhopped by them and then putting Springtown at #19 is certainly interesting.
  5. Springtown beat the everloving piss out of Graham. Granted that was six weeks ago, but still…..Springtown…..
  6. With 4 minutes to go Vandy had 92 yards passing and 107 rushing. D held quite well for a long time
  7. This D fucks so hard. This has been such a long time coming.
  8. *checks notes*……18 straight completions for 205 yards and 3 td’s……even with the OL shitting down their legs. Yeah. I think I’m watching the right game
  9. 13 straight completions. 2 touchdown passes into tight coverage where only his receiver could catch it. Interdasting
  10. Pavia is Spanish for bitchass puto. Let’s ride
  11. Dude packing his shit up like he isn’t going to get Bryan Stow’d on his way out
  12. I guess it’s been a slow burn for DQ. The one in Knox City closed in the late 90’s. Then when I was in high school in the early 00’s Abilene lost 4 of their 5 in about a year and a half. A couple years ago the one in Azle shut down. Stopped into DQ in Dalhart back in January and the sign on the door said closed until further notice. But there’s a taco casa on every corner. It ain’t right!
  13. You betrayed Fuego burger for a hungrbuster??!!
  14. I have moved to all ELDX across the board and it’s been great. It’s a bitch to find the 7mag 162gr, but everything else is readily available at academy. And given where everything used to make bullets comes from, I’m sufficiently stocked for the next few decades on everything.
  15. I’ve never been much on embellishing the truth, mainly because I have a terrible memory and the truth is a lot easier to remember. But in this instance I have associates that are capable at distances that I’ve never dreamt of. A few years ago between Miami and Canadian I witnessed an 862 yard shot drop a Muley in his tracks. Can’t bullshit that crowd they’d sniff me out quick.
  16. I have .270, .308, 7mag and 6.5 cm all ready to hit the field at any time, but the 143 grain ELDX in 6.5cm from Hornady is so damn quiet with my Silencerco Hybrid 46 that I almost always get a shot at a second deer. It flies flat and I have never missed inside of 300 yards with it. I haven’t missed beyond 300 yards either, but that’s because I don’t possess the talent to take those kind of shots
  17. 20ml of 200mg/ml testosterone cypionate is $71 with GoodRX, and it’s $146 with my insurance. So I agree, insurance is definitely a scam.
  18. If you have the ability to go into the gym and work the same muscle group/body parts as the day before then the stimulus from the previous day wasn’t sufficient. You should not, and should not be able to work the same muscles as you did in the previous 48 hours.
  19. I used to think pre-flight checks were a bit over the top, but the longer I go the more grateful I am for them. There is a saying “3 to go, 1 to say no”; everyone on the crew reviews all information before flight and agrees to “go or no”. If the pilot had filed this flight he would have seen any NOTAM or TFR’s. I’m pretty sure unless you’re flying IFR you don’t have to file a flight plan, so this was 100% preventable had a little extra diligence been done.
  20. FAA allegedly received reports 4 days prior that the tower light weren’t working. Not that it would have made any difference in this case, but getting on a 407 always made me uneasy, fuck a Robinson. Damned go kart engine and a rubber band. Nope https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/national-international/deaths-reported-after-helicopter-carrying-4-hits-radio-tower-in-fiery-houston-crash/3676085/?_osource=SocialFlowFB_DFWBrand&fbclid=IwY2xjawGDJgNleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHRZx4ez5ndCYh8klT0Ovs2zh6MIBxuRHpMn7XUlLTcXyKjvMEiAklFq50A_aem_9-c6XEMb-tEWky282SiE7g
  21. Goddammit. Dusty as fuck in here
  22. I don’t believe it changes much, if at all. I didn’t put the Legent back because I was trying to save it, but because it just didn’t appeal to me. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a “Holy shit this is cat piss” like the RR10, but it wasn’t remarkable either. Just meh. And for $29, you can do a hell of a lot worse. So even though I’m not a fan, I’d say you chose wisely.
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