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Herbie Hancock

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Everything posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. If you have the ability to go into the gym and work the same muscle group/body parts as the day before then the stimulus from the previous day wasn’t sufficient. You should not, and should not be able to work the same muscles as you did in the previous 48 hours.
  2. I used to think pre-flight checks were a bit over the top, but the longer I go the more grateful I am for them. There is a saying “3 to go, 1 to say no”; everyone on the crew reviews all information before flight and agrees to “go or no”. If the pilot had filed this flight he would have seen any NOTAM or TFR’s. I’m pretty sure unless you’re flying IFR you don’t have to file a flight plan, so this was 100% preventable had a little extra diligence been done.
  3. FAA allegedly received reports 4 days prior that the tower light weren’t working. Not that it would have made any difference in this case, but getting on a 407 always made me uneasy, fuck a Robinson. Damned go kart engine and a rubber band. Nope https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/national-international/deaths-reported-after-helicopter-carrying-4-hits-radio-tower-in-fiery-houston-crash/3676085/?_osource=SocialFlowFB_DFWBrand&fbclid=IwY2xjawGDJgNleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHRZx4ez5ndCYh8klT0Ovs2zh6MIBxuRHpMn7XUlLTcXyKjvMEiAklFq50A_aem_9-c6XEMb-tEWky282SiE7g
  4. Goddammit. Dusty as fuck in here
  5. I don’t believe it changes much, if at all. I didn’t put the Legent back because I was trying to save it, but because it just didn’t appeal to me. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a “Holy shit this is cat piss” like the RR10, but it wasn’t remarkable either. Just meh. And for $29, you can do a hell of a lot worse. So even though I’m not a fan, I’d say you chose wisely.
  6. You could have done a lot worse for $29.99. I’ve got one somewhere, and while it’s not bad at all it just lacks depth in my opinion. Probably half full and I’ve had it for 3-4 years.
  7. Tapa working better than ever. Weird
  8. Yeah, you’d think the name in the thread title would be enough of a reminder….
  9. Holy shit. Israel is playing a real life game of whack-a-mole with Hezbollah leaders. Every time a new one pops up, BAM!
  10. Goddammit Donnie we had finally moved past that fucking idiocy and here you come two days later like a child wandering into the middle of a movie asking what the fuck is going on.
  11. 5+ minutes left and the overwhelming majority already headed back to the trailer park. Glorious
  12. I told my wife I never got nervous. The people around us were rather obnoxious (screaming for Arch after the pick and screaming for Sark’s head on the next drive). I got frustrated quite a bit, but I was never nervous. I also didn’t get excited until that last score in the 4th. Game had a really weird vibe. Almost like we were in quicksand.
  13. Russian coffee to get the wheels spinning. Should be at magnolia by 7:30
  14. The kind with fat old dudes and no hot chicks
  15. Can’t make it tonight, but will be there when the gates open at 7am tomorrow. I intend to be in the beer garden with a beverage in each hand by 7:05 and then migrate to the food court for boudin balls and to participate in the harassing of sooner fans
  16. They’re obnoxiously annoying and post pictures of their paystub.
  17. I guess because he regularly talks out of his ass he just assumes everyone else does too? I always enjoy people who don’t do what I do for a living trying to tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about when it comes to things directly related to doing my job. It lets me know they’re not worth wasting the keystrokes.
  18. One is on land, and the other in the water?
  19. Your dedication to consistently reminding people how fucking stupid you are is truly remarkable.
  20. Dude played DL at a high level for a decent amount of time. And during a timeframe when concussions were not fully understood or given the appropriate attention. CTE manifests itself in different ways and not always immediately. If the dude had a long history of this kind of behavior then he was probably just an asshole. If all of this is due to a sudden change in behavior/temperament over the last year or two, it makes me wonder if he was suffering from the side effects of CTE because no normal, sane adult male with a stable career just randomly decides late in life to start behaving that way. Sad for his family and the kids he coached.
  21. True story, in 2002 at Fort Desoto Beach I stepped on a shark tooth and it stuck in my heel. And it wasn’t as painful as reading Pimphand posts. Quit engaging the fucking idiot and mucking up a good thread.
  22. Ok, so how did you do it the second time? First time we went thru the app and it sent them to my Apple wallet. When I go to my Apple wallet there isn’t an option to transfer them unless I’m missing something
  23. Considering it’s $25 entry fee, I’ll try the $50 handshake if the screenshot doesn’t work lol Now I remember they just wanted to see them. That’s what we’ll go with
  24. Well shit. Appears we may have fucked up then. Did it last year with no issue. Really only need to get them in the main fair gate as we plan to meet up well before the game. I know screenshots won’t get them into the game, but I wonder if screenshots can get past the scanners at the main fair gate
  25. My father in law has season tix as an Ex. He transferred them to me yesterday, and I’m now trying to transfer two of the four to my brother in law but not having any luck. Anyone ever dealt with this? Any ideas? Tried yelling muledick and it didn’t work.
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