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Herbie Hancock

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Everything posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. I really wish yall would quit buying into the bullshit that was peddled back in the 90’s and mid 00’s. I also really wish people that aren’t qualified to give out nutritional advice would stop trying to do so. But I repeat myself
  2. Take the Bond end-around away and we have 8 carries for 12 yards. This Florida team is terribad
  3. I would posit that anyone that has repeatedly been run off from this website and continues coming back has no business questioning anyone’s mental stability.
  4. I’ve never posted in the cloak room. I read a lot, but I’ve never drank enough to want to post in there as the few times I’ve tried to engage in any discussion I’ve been called names (from both sides). I say all that to get to my point, which is this: there are some vile, miserable fucks in there, and Sack has managed to surpass them all by MILES. I hope I never come to understand how a person could continually, day after day, choose to be an ugly person.
  5. Just booked a long weekend 2/14-17. Going back to The Gregorian. Anything going on that weekend? Hit Drunk Shakespeare last year and laughed my ass off. Wife would love to hit a real Broadway show too, but we really enjoyed the setting at Ruby Theatre.
  6. You mean robitussin mixed with Vick’s vaporub doesn’t taste good??
  7. https://www.on3.com/teams/texas-longhorns/news/breaking-texas-sophomore-receiver-johntay-cook-no-longer-in-the-program/
  8. Creatine is harmless unless you have kidney issues. Creatine is also pointless unless you are on some weird, super restrictive diet. 98% of society and the normal gym-goer gets sufficient creatine from their daily caloric intake.
  9. The depravity of the surl knows no bounds
  10. Everyone was doing it because back then you could drive across the border straight to a pharmacy, load up and be back on American soil in less than an hour. Hell I know a guy that was doing it in the early 00’s. He had half his teammates on the sauce, and I think they won two games in three years.
  11. 4 day turnaround. Is that good?
  12. For the most part I would agree, but I paid $58 each for Rebecca Creek Spanish oak and felt it was a steal at that price. I’m about to the point where I’m going to pay secondary to get my mitts on some OWA if it doesn’t show up soon in my hood.
  13. It’s overrated as all get out. Is it swill? Absolutely not. Is it worth more than $50? Absolutely not.
  14. wtf is a Ross Fenstermaker?
  15. Got eyes on the ones in my pics above. Definitely two different deer. Big boy is thiccc as the younguns say. Skinny boy is actually significantly wider. Passed on big fella but I may take my rifle with me tonight and not walk away this time. Pulled the card this morning and seen these goofy twits.
  16. 75 degrees and 90% humidity at 4am is fucking criminal.
  17. Motion to outlaw all youth sports on opening weekend? Do I have a second?! Leaving the house this morning headed to the ball field I saw the guy in the second pic. Went to pull the card a few minutes ago and was looking at the one in the first pic that was roughly 20 minutes earlier and I feel like they’re different deer, but obviously the angles and picture quality leave that open to interpretation. What say y’all
  18. In the middle of a field in BFE at 2am, 20 minutes removed from a deep sleep, I can correctly choose what drugs and what dose to give someone. If my wife says to me “hey, in three minutes I need you to turn the oven off”, there is a 10000% chance I don’t remember until whatever is in there is on fire.
  19. Is this the same as that little voice in your head that says “that’s not a good idea, don’t do that?”. Because I have a buddy from my younger days named Ed, and god bless him, Ed didn’t have that voice. Fat girl at the bar trying to cockblock you from her hot friend? Ed was on it. Power hour with Austin Nichols wild turkey? Ed was on it. Piss on a cop car while the cop was sitting in it? I have just the man for you, and his name is Ed.
  20. Beisbol been berry good to him
  21. Wanna know how I know you’re an old?
  22. Wind has been insane. Blew so hard it was spinning my feeder plate and I’ve got about a 100 pound pile of corn on the ground. Fuckin hell
  23. Brian is great people. I live in the area, and with Fud being a hoity toity Aledo honk I was just having some fun. Springtown D has consistently been what takes them deep, and it looks like the offense can keep up as well. I’m also puzzled by the thrashing Springtown gave Graham not leading to a better ranking. If Graham is so hot, then I’m not sure how you don’t account for that game. This Friday against Decatur should be tough even with Decatur being down by their standards.
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