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Herbie Hancock

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Everything posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. Anyone ever step foot in either? We stepped into CC one night when I had a babysitter and a hotel room downtown. I can’t imagine a douchier scene with the exception of Koe’s riot room. It was as if Varsity and Landmark bred with a chick from Azle.
  2. Sorrell getting held in the Henderson run right in front of the ref
  3. I’m here. Wearing pants. Not khakis.
  4. If you’ll notice, my post that you quoted was in response to this portion of your post and I only quoted this portion for a reason. I interpreted the above as you intended it to be, and that is saying the firefighters are looking for their five minutes of fame instead of doing their job. I educated you on the nuances of news conferences in the fire service, and that the person in front of the camera was not shirking their duties because their sole duty is handling news media and information release. It appears the Chief either wears that hat in their dept or chose to wear that hat for this incident.
  5. I can’t edit my post so I’ll say it here: I retract the part about you being a fuckwad. You may indeed be one, but current participation in this thread is not indicative of that. I find the information you posted to be detestable and disgusting, and given what I do for a living there are a lot of social media pages I follow that are echoing the information you posted. It’s disgusting and I hate it. In the same breath, if we start these discussions here it’s gonna devolve rather quickly. We’ve all been here long enough to have seen it time and again. TldR; I don’t want to see a badass thread go to shit and I am incapable of articulating that appropriately.
  6. You know good and well that is the bat signal for the usual suspects and this thread will go from badass to a shit flinging circus of I’m right and you’re wrong. If that’s the direction we’re going here that’s fine, but I won’t be a part of it. I get paid to deal with idiots . I won’t do it for free.
  7. I typically hate when someone covers a song that is so awesome like Snowin on Raton. They never get it right. Townes is still the best, but Pat Green and Loyd Maines chubby daughter did a damn good job
  8. Let me tell you where you’re wrong. Anytime you put a drone in the air, you are now a pilot by FAA standards. Drone pilots are required at minimum by law to check the airspace they intend to occupy for TFR’s and file flight plans. If these people had checked the FREE FAA website they would have discovered this area under a TFR. They were selfish cocksuckers and didn’t, and this is why a critical resource is out of service. https://www.faa.gov/uas/recreational_flyers
  9. Everything east of Aledo and south of 820/183 is wet, not frozen or slushy.
  10. I was mistaken, thinking of Guns N’ Roses back in 2016. There was 83k the first night and 91k the second
  11. Super Scooper with a drone strike. Made a safe landing but barely. Yay for selfish assholes flying drones in a TFR and damn near killing someone trying to make a difference
  12. Metallica was 40k. This will be close to 90k
  13. You ain’t livin’ until you’ve flown 50 miles more or less sideways in an Augusta 109, piloted by what I always assumed is a former IRA member, chewing on an unlit strawberry philly cigar and yammering on in unintelligible Irish jibberish about the snotty weather. Military trained pilots > civilian trained every day and twice on Sunday
  14. Tickets can be purchased at the gate day of. They’ll just be more expensive
  15. Was gonna say call me back when Global shows up with their 747’s, but it appears they are out of business. That behemoth dropping 20k of product was a sight to behold
  16. I was about to correct you until I saw this. Kris has two going, but one more at the ready if necessary.
  17. Only thru fire hose and not thru the water mains. Pumping water from a distanced water source (hydrant or static draft) to another apparatus that is called relay pumping. There is a wild difference in pressure when talking draft vs hydrant, but you are pumping the water at a pressure to overcome the friction loss inside of the hose x distance of the hose. Because I suck at explaining things, here is my best explanation Connect to a hydrant on corner of Avenue A and 1st street. Static pressure of the hydrant, which is the psi on my pump intake when not pumping anything, is 80 psi. The fire is 600’ down Avenue A on the corner of A and 6th street. We lay 600’ of LDH (supply line or large diameter hose) from the hydrant to the engine that is making the actual attack on the fire(attack pumper). I connect my intake to the hydrant, then connect the 600’ of LDH to my discharge. I then send idle pump pressure thru the 600’ of LDH that terminates at the attack pumper. I coordinate my pressure discharge with the attack engine via radio until he tells me he has 80psi on his intake. My discharge pressure will most likely be 160-ish depending on several factors, the size of the LDH we are using and the friction loss coefficient from the manufacturer; among several other factors. TLDR; you need volume AND pressure to move water. But when you have enough of one or the other, you can essentially move the water source directly to the scene of the fight, as long as you have competent operators and the equipment necessary to do so. I’ve been a part of a relay that was almost 2500’ and at the terminal end we were flowing in excess of 1700 gpm.
  18. Yeah, but the odds of getting stabbed in a bar in Temple are much higher than walking thru the 4th ward dressed as the grand dragon.
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