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Herbie Hancock

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Everything posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. Dude walks 19 people in a row and Jank comes up hacking away at every pitch. Fuck
  2. Zeke did not
  3. Wyatt putting in work
  4. Stopping the use of a CPAP without the consultation of the doctor that prescribed it or a doctor in general is a very dangerous idea that I wouldn’t recommend. I’m also slightly confused; are you attributing your weight gain to the use of CPAP?
  5. For what it’s worth, it’s cleaner than the one by Ridgmar mall. Equipment is nice enough, but keep in mind I typically train at The Castle, Absolute Recomp or at OG Metroflex so my perception of “nice” and what I look for in a gym is probably different than yours. I’ve noticed the douchebag W7 “bro” population has declined greatly in there, and the scenery has not so that’s definitely a win.
  6. Yall really think if Dane went 7 with 10k and 0 ER we wouldn’t still find a way to lose 2-0?
  7. Testing testing. This thing still work?
  8. Released last night from the hospital with no deficits.
  9. For both, do you want walking distance from your hotel or Uber within reasonably short distance? Lunch: Fred’s or Rodeo Goat for good burgers and cold beer. (Very short Uber for both). Panther City BBQ owners bought historic Bailey’s BBQ in downtown and I’d go there or Hurtado if that’s what you want. Shouldn’t have too long of a line on a Monday. Salsa Limon for Mexican and solid drinks. Istanbul Grill is Mediterranean and very tasty if you want quality food that’s not too heavy and nap-inducing. Dinner: steaks I prefer Bob’s and Del Frisco’s, and they’re walkable from your hotel. Both have good to great whiskey selections as well. Cattleman’s and H3 Ranch have both proven to be hit or miss the last few trips I’ve made so I’m not sure I’d bypass DF or Bob’s for either. Rodeo Goat for burgers. Hangover breakfast tomorrow should be done at Jake’s, which is right around the corner from your hotel.
  10. Lunch and dinner with who? You? Client? Friend? Hot piece of ass?
  11. If I wanted to be a prick I’d tell you how I really feel and how I think you’re full of more shit than a Christmas goose and an equal amount of excuses. You are ill-equipped for and in no position to question my knowledge on this topic; that much is evident by your above post. But I’m not trying to be a prick, so I won’t say that.
  12. That was condescending and I apologize. The point I want to make but lack the intelligence to articulate in a non-asshole manner is that whenever someone says “I ONLY eat X calories per day and can’t lose weight”, I immediately stop listening. 100% of the time the people that say this are either 1) lying, or 2) actually taking in 2.5-3x that, but they have no concept of actual serving size for all of their intake because they don’t measure it out. You can’t eyeball something and say “yeah that’s 6oz, or yeah that’s a half a cup”. I’ve been doing this for a good while now and I can tell you that everyone underestimates their portions. Ever want to open someone’s eyes, have them do it their way, then break out your digital scale and measuring cup and actually measure it all. The difference is substantial.
  13. It’s not the job of a public educator to get your kid noticed by colleges. That attention comes from showcase tournaments at the club level. That goes for any sport.
  14. Ah yes, the old “I only eat X amount of calories per day and can’t lose weight”. A tale as old as time, and as trustworthy as gas station sushi.
  15. If he’s already in with Lone Star, reach out to Dan Heger. He was a collegiate head coach for almost 30 years. A bit on the weird side, like maybe he ate a bit too many mushrooms in the 70’s, but he’s a good dude and knows his shit.
  16. Dear god that was atrocious
  17. Ding fuckin Dong bitches
  18. This is not cool
  19. Wyatt pizza!
  20. Derp’d that one. I’ll take it
  21. Those are rough, but hearing the details of this one when it happened made my stomach turn. https://www.fox4news.com/news/two-kids-electrocuted-by-downed-power-line-in-fort-worth.amp
  22. Corey es en fuego
  23. Goddamn blue squeezing the home pitcher in the first fucking inning
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