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Herbie Hancock

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Everything posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. I guess you missed the part where YOU said roids? Just do us all a favor and shut the fuck up.
  2. Putting on 20 pounds of muscle in 5 weeks is physiologically impossible. But reading comprehension is our friend here and nowhere in the article above does it say he’s gained “20 pounds of muscle”. The article says, and I quote “Simmons has gained close to 20 pounds of weight since the start of winter workouts”.
  3. Putting on 20 pounds in 5 weeks is not freak shit, especially not at 18 years old.
  4. It’s pretty obvious you have no idea what you’re talking about. Why don’t you sit this one out chief.
  5. Damn that’s solid. Palio’s is tasty stuff. XL Half king and half Scorcher hasn’t done me wrong yet. Wife digs the Cade n Blake pesto
  6. What can we do to expedite that process?
  7. 11.3 games per season is a lot sir. And it’s because his agent told him to. [emoji849]
  8. Well that’s what you get for going to Perini’s and ordering a prime rib. Seriously wtf
  9. I do all of my own as I have my chemical license from the state for my hay fields, but a guy I know very well has a very successful business doing exactly what you’re asking about and he is top notch. Go check out Weed Solutions Inc. on Facebook and have a look around.
  10. Never had the 6 year. 10 year was meh to ok, but it’s wildly overpriced so I would steer clear.
  11. Time to run this back https://www.facebook.com/share/v/7hBiXtvmi4Sp1xmb/?mibextid=RqrPsF
  12. How many PM’s have you gotten from folks wanting to get in on some free elk hunting lol
  13. They already exist. Problem is you have to have a known area you’re trying to defend for them to be effective.
  14. Ellsworth birds that launched from Dyess. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/vwhGHHhqGf7H8jwk/?mibextid=RqrPsF
  15. What I just saw says we flew B1’s direct from here. Interesting because a few weeks ago a B1 from Ellsworth crashed while trying to land in poor weather. Then, last week someone I know that is close with the 317th AW/ 7th BW alluded to being on the move, and has subsequently went dark on all social media platforms. Almost simultaneously, a group of B1’s from Ellsworth showed up at Dyess to begin dissecting and “learning” from the crash earlier this month. Mom and dad live in a flight path that routinely has C-130’s and B1’s flying overhead during the day, but for the last week there has been a lot of activity at night/early morning. This could all be coincidence, but it’s very odd.
  16. I’m pretty sure the B1’s headed that way this time last week. 317th AW and 7th BW personnel began mobilizing early last week.
  17. Norwegian Breakfast (coffee w/ vodka and 2 cigarettes). But seriously, Mucinex DM. Don’t go for the Fast Max, it’s a gimmick with a lower dose of both Dextromethorphan and Guaifenesin.
  18. That’s cute. Abilene has made 180 miles to Odessa for decades now and now will go 170 to Lubbock and 270 to Amarillo.
  19. I’m a lot of things, but the kind of guy that would drink a shitake artichoke liqueur ain’t one of them. Besides that, the Oak & Eden in Bridgeport is a hell of a lot closer to my house.
  20. You know full well there are no seasons. It is a year round occurrence in these parts.
  21. This is off topic, but nobody is offing themselves with helium. They take a bucket to their car and dump some lime-sulfur in it, then dump a jug of Muriatic acid in the jug and shut the door. Takes at most a couple minutes and the H2S rises to toxic levels. Not the way I would choose as it’s very violent and unpleasant, but to each their own I suppose.
  22. The internet also consistently tells me there are hot moms within 3 miles that want to have no strings attached sex with me RIGHT NOW.
  23. Fucking stop with the K Bake shit right meow goddammit.
  24. Yeah but there’s a bitchin Taco Villa in Clovis.
  25. Oh I want them, but I can’t. Very badass of you to offer them up
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