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Herbie Hancock

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Everything posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. He's an incredibly strange little fella. Has anyone ever seen him and the Hammster in the same place?
  2. An appearance by everyone's favorite racist aggy Daniel Figurelli in the comments
  3. Brock v Malakoff 2.0
  4. I see you are becoming familiar with the Claude Mathis way.
  5. Nostradamus n' shit.
  6. Nappy hag? Don Imus, is that you?
  7. Because SydneyCarton touches himself while looking at pictures of Bette Midler
  8. I wonder what the blood pressure was of the guy he wrongfully imprisoned? Fuck this piece of shit
  9. BigD is your man if you're looking to move bottles. Shoot him a PM and he can help you.
  10. I don't want to hear shit until you have to deal with the light at Surfside/199 on a regular basis.
  11. As someone that has to drive 20 entirely too often, if I were coming from Aledo area I would take 1187 all the way to 287 in Mansfield. That 820/297/20 interchange is an absolute shitshow of epic proportions
  12. $130 for Rabbit Hole distillate under 5 years of age?? No thanks
  13. There are some here that are heartbroken the cops aren't among the dead, and equally as happy that a funeral procession won't impact their morning commute. The internal strife must be excruciating. T's & P's to them
  14. I see Chad Briscoe and Mr. Phlegm procreated....
  15. This Fonzi dude posts like the bastard love child of Mr Phlegm and Grendel.
  16. Mom and dad live between Lawn and Oplin, and I find my way to Coleman for work a couple times every few months. Cattle Drive and Don Luis are my haunts when I'm in town. Owl Drug was full of weird city folk last time I went in. Very strange.
  17. I have a good friend that has been coaching TXHSFB for 19 years now, and had a lot of success most years. I just asked him if he had ever heard of Collin Klein and he said "That's the guy that bangs choir chick in American Pie, right?". After composing myself I explain why I asked him that, at which point he begins chuckling and says yeah no fuckin way is any coach texting that guy, nor is any coach even responding to him texting them and asking what they think about the hire because not a damn one of them knows who he is.
  18. Not a meth lab. That's not how they go up. My guess is he opened a gas line as most everything in that area is heated with gas, and he was using the flare gun to try and ignite it. LEL and UEL are important here, too much fuel and not enough oxygen won't let it ignite. Finally, enough air entered the right space and the concentration of flammable vapors dropped below the UEL and he fired the flare at the right time, then...
  19. Dad had a place in the late 80's thru mid 90's between Talpa and Coleman just south of Hoard's creek. That was the last time I remember seeing or hearing of any quail south of Lubbock. Then two years ago my buddy that lives just past the sale barn in Coleman was sending me pics of all the quail he and his son had busted up. Glad to hear you're seeing them as well hopefully they continue their comeback
  20. I'm not sure what you're going for, but whatever it is, you're not accomplishing it. You just come off as a really weird little dude.
  21. When you're a 5'2 pint-sized pussy everything gets held over your head.
  22. Both Marine Corps vets. Survive the fucking sandbox and make it home to raise a family and now they're orphans. Fuck
  23. Last time I was at Cane Rosso I ordered the Honey bastard and Flama Blanca for myself. Had to order the Zoli as well because I was still hungry.
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