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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. The 11.7 scholarships for baseball has to be the dumbest NCAA rule there is. It should be 20.
  2. Just something temporary to get grass growing while the old sprinkler system is broken.
  3. He was a terrible signing from the beginning.
  4. I run a little league baseball organization. This summer we were able to pay to have our fields leveled for the first time in decades. We also hired a company to fix the sprinkler system at the fields that has not been used in 10 years. The company has been working on the sprinkler system for about 4 weeks now but continues to run into problems. We are running out of time as we need to plant the new grass and start watering in the next couple of weeks. So now I'm trying to figure out how to set up a system to water our fields after planting. We have a typical water faucet behind home plate on each field. We also have a 2" hose attachment in the middle of the complex. Does anyone have any good ideas on how to do this? The biggest issue is our high school sized field that is 350 in center field, thankfully it has a second faucet in left field. My best plan so far is to buy as many of the tripod sprinklers at Lowes as I need and run 3/4" hoses to them from the faucets. On my smallest field just 1 sprinkler would work. My second smallest I would likely need to sprinklers. The two bigger fields would need multiple of these sprinklers. Could I run a hose from a faucet and put a 4 way splitter on it, attach timers to each outgoing hose from there and run the four hoses out to sprinklers all set to go off at different times? I would need to water multiple times per day so would need to be able to put everything on a timer. Thanks for any ideas or help.
  5. The youth baseball league I run is not allowed in the Little League organization because our facilities are not up to standard. Even if we could join we wouldn’t have another Little League organization within 2 hours of us. Since I took over we have gone from 201 kids to 267 last year and 312 this year. I even kicked a couple of teams out of the league during that time frame because they wanted to be a select team in a rec league. We’ve had a lot of kids coming back to the league from select ball. Have also picked up 4 teams from neighboring small towns because their leagues have closed down. I hate that so many kids are leaving the leagues to join select ball and never getting a chance to play All Stars or represent their towns.
  6. Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls also has a replica of the Liberty Bell displayed on campus. aggy’s is nothing special.
  7. I would happily give the actress who played Collins 50% of everything I own but only after a couple of years of marriage.
  8. Or he might have gotten killed in the projects after failing out of high school.
  9. Even if that’s the only reason they took him in it was still a huge benefit for Oher. Do you think that he was better off with them not taking him in?
  10. Still doesn’t take away from the fact that they did take him in. Are you insinuating that they should not have done that? People do good deeds for selfish reasons every day, that doesn’t take away the good that was done.
  11. Anyone who has unnaturally colored hair. Not necessarily unnatural to them but for humans. I’ve never met a person with pink, blue, green, purple, etc. hair that I liked.
  12. I see an exception for Sooner and aggy assholes but maybe I interpret the Bible a little different than you.
  13. You’re right on that but the point still stands, until then the majority of the country didn’t know what a conservatorship was. That was also a very recent legal battle.
  14. I’ve only seen the movie and read articles on this so don’t know what the books say. Lol at people bashing the Tuohy’s for helping him at all. They didn’t have to do anything. It’s facts that he was better off in their care than out of their care as a high school student. Who gives a shit if their motive was to get him to Ole Miss, he was still much better off under their roof. He also was not chosen at random from the thousands of kids in Memphis that likely need help. He went to their kid’s private school, that’s why he was chosen. I’m sure he stood out among the student population there in more ways than one. The Tuohy’s may be self centered assholes but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they were in this case. There’s any easy explanation for why they would call it an adoption instead of a conservatorship in the public realm, the vast majority of the public had no idea what a conservatorship was before this story came out. Either way they had a legal obligation to him. In the end all that really matters is how they treated him. Did they truly treat him as family? Did they do what was best for him? Did they use their position as his conservators to take advantage of him? Those are the only questions that matter in this story. So far Oher’s side of the story is all over the place while the Tuohys have a pretty solid story. We will find out if that holds up.
  15. It has to be a 4+ year extension for it to matter. It doesn’t have to be 4 more guaranteed years. The guaranteed years is the most important thing.
  16. Except he already has a commitment date set so is unlikely to make it public any day. It’s got to be Black because I saw an article yesterday about how aggy was still very much a player in his recruitment. It makes so much sense that he would commit to us immediately after that article was published.
  17. My wife had one of our children as a first year teacher in Texas and did not lose healthcare despite staying on maternity leave for 6 weeks.
  18. He picked Texas!
  19. The lottery wife isn’t actually wrong though. If she bought 10 tickets and won but shared with 1 other ticket she would get 10/11 of the prize money. If she only bought 1 ticket and had to share then they get an equal 50/50.
  20. Anyone who talks about politics when you first meet them.
  21. PSA: if you live in a place with hot summers get you AC serviced every year before the summer starts. It makes a big difference.
  22. Some of you people need a new AC unit or better insulation in your houses. My thermostat stays at 72 all summer with no issues. It doesn’t run all day either.
  23. I think we need pictures of the cheap friend before making the decision that she needs to be cut from vacations.
  24. Exactly this, wives shouldn’t get a bank account.
  25. I think it all depends on what all of the couples originally agreed to. If you told them what the cost was and included the fee then they should pay their share of the fee. If the fee was not included when they agreed to the cost then you should pay the fee. If the cost was not properly communicated beforehand that is on you as the person paying.
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