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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. They will but nothing too serious. Just enough that he misses the NBA draft and has to spend another year in Alabama.
  2. You clearly have not watched the Wichita Falls refs lately.
  3. In the Big 12 and rest of the top 6 conferences I consider the regular season championship as the conference champion. Too much luck goes into tournament championships in my opinion. The 1 bid leagues you have to consider the tournament champion as the conference champion because that is who gets the bid and reward for their championship. Same goes for baseball and all of the other sports. The Texas Big 12 tournament championship in Shaka’s last year is the poster child for why I feel this way.
  4. How much does it cost to stream this tournament?
  5. It’s Opening Day bitches!
  6. This halftime show reminds me of Squid Games
  7. Mitchell would be a solid piece to this year’s team if he was willing to play the role that best suited the team. He wasn’t and so he was an addition by subtraction. Can’t have role players who think they are superstars and cry when they aren’t treated that way.
  8. It’s so satisfying that we are beating them so badly that Huggins can’t even complain to the refs about it.
  9. The student female talent has been on display this game!
  10. In that situation does the basket count? Do they go to the arrow to determine possession?
  11. I was out of town for three days this week. When I got home I found the orange juice in the cabinet.
  12. I’m still not sure how Grill did not get a Flagrant foul and ejected from the game for undercutting Mitchell while he was in the air.
  13. We needed to split the Kansas trip to have a chance at a conference title. It feels great to go the win. Now we’re playing with house money in Lawrence tomorrow night.
  14. My son was accepted into Cockrell last year. If I remember correctly he got his acceptance in an email. Then got his acceptance packet about 2-3 weeks later in the mail. I can’t remember if scholarship info came with the packet in the mail or not. If not it was within a week of getting that packet.
  15. My son also has the pass. He gets there 2 hours before most games and always has great seats. Your daughter should it. Basically every conference game she needs to be there early or she won’t get in the corral.
  16. The setup on this thing is so dumb. The home teams should not get their conference’s refs. It should be the away team’s conference refs. But really there should be no conference refs. Refs should be rotated around with a National group of refs for the top 6 conferences and a group for everyone else.
  17. My favorite part of this game was when Cunningham got called for a foul and they reviewed him for a flagrant. The review was so obviously against Tennessee that they had to switch it to an intentional foul on them. Then the broadcast just completely glosses over the whole thing.
  18. How the fuck is Campbell not preseason all conference?
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