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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. When is this game supposed to restart?
  2. Have you learned nothing from this thread? Might as well go get a gallon sized bottle of lotion from Costco for the next month, your hand will thank you.
  3. Yeah not too worried about the window, that’s an easy fix that the league can pay for if no one offers to fix it for free. The concession stand is 50 years old. It’s not an easy nor cheap fix. It really just needs to be demolished. There’s a reason we are kicking off a $1 million Capital Campaign in 2 weeks to redo most of our complex.
  4. Sorry this is off topic. I run my local league if you didn’t know. Found out today that our concession stand has a big water leak. Will likely have to take out a wall to fix it. While at the fields I also found a broken window in our 2 story press box. Guess I will have to find a way to get all of this fixed soon.
  5. Torchys is damn good but I’ve never gone in expecting to get authentic Mexican. I always get the queso. I rotate between the Crossroad, Baja Shrimp and Trailer Park trashy on tacos.
  6. Texas 45 - ULM 17 - South Austin’s mom 1,763 (dicks taken) Bijan has 169 total yards. 142 rushing and 27 receiving. Card has 2 garbage time TDs and some dumbass on this board gets pissed that he isn’t starting.
  7. Pics of your daughters? Asking for my son.
  8. Dropped my kid off this weekend to start his freshman year at UT! I could tell he was nervous was hell. It’s a big step up going from a high school of 58 total kids to Texas. He’s in Architectural Engineering.
  9. We do it outside the tent after the kids go to bed.
  10. I play for the recruiting aspect anyway. Love to take the worst term and try to recruit them to a championship without ever actually playing a game.
  11. You almost caught Devers’ home run.
  12. There’s absolutely no way that a major league player, especially if Tatis’ caliber, accidentally test positive for a banned substance. Every player has an agent who can cross check the medicine his player is taking with the banned substance list. Every team has a medical staff to monitor and check medicines to make sure they are ok for the player to take. Every front office would move mountains to make sure that a player like Tatis is in the clear even when it’s a basic medical treatment. Accidentally taking a banned substance is absolutely bullshit.
  13. Not a hot take here but think the season comes down to the new coaches. We have players with the talent to be a top 15 team, host a regional and make a run at Omaha. If the new coaches can develop those players to their potential then we will be really good. If not we could be pretty average to bad.
  14. Ditto on this. Can’t wait to drop them.
  15. Could easily stick one of the OF at first. Campbell could play infield but I’d rather he stay in the OF.
  16. Now I want to slam my dick in a car door for knowing that, so fuck you for that info.
  17. This team is a dumpster fire. The worst part is that while we are terrible, we are still too good to get a truly high draft pick.
  18. Have to take 3 of 4 from the Royals
  19. It’s always good to have NBA and former NBA players supporting your school.
  20. Just ask her every night “Do you want me to get fucked in the ass or do you want me to wash the dishes?”. When she answers yes to the dishes then just assume she was saying yes to the sex.
  21. I heard that today could get interesting
  22. I feel like we are a team that should be ranked in the late teens to early 20s next season.
  23. It’s amazing how bad July was after how good June was.
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