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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. Where can I purchase ammo or other military shit for the Ukrainians? I want my donation to directly result in dead Russians.
  2. I’m rooting for the flight attendants because of their tits.
  3. Right now I have 7 and 8 year olds playing coach pitch. I’m weighing my options on switching that league to machine pitch or not. There are pros and cons to both. Coaches lobbing the ball at basically soft toss levels is the biggest con for coach pitch. That makes a vast difference in competitive advantages and does nothing for the kids to prepare them for kid pitch. The pitching machine would at least make the pitching equal across the league. It also lets me set the speed at a proper level for those kids and speeds up the game because of no bad pitches.
  4. There is zero reason to keep score or record outs at that level.
  5. We played modified coach pitch for 4 year olds to kindergarten kids. They get 3 pitches from the coach and then hit off the tee if need be. Everyone bats every inning and we don’t keep score.
  6. Well I lost an outfield to a fire today. About 75% of the outfield on my biggest field burned. It’s a high school size field. Plus found out someone broke a window at the concession stand so have to replace that now.
  7. I’m in charge of my town’s little league, not actually associated with the Little League organization. Had a big jump in sign ups this season, 260 kids up from 201 last year. Our fields were horrendous when I took over and I’ve improved them as much as I can from simple hard work. I started two fundraisers this year to help repair the facilities. I’m also working on putting together a capital campaign for the league to completely overhaul the entire complex. Looks like that is going to be between $500-750k. So busy times in my league. Games start March 21!
  8. I’m in of course. I’ll start a new thread and get this up and running as soon as we know something about the MLB season.
  9. LHN and Texas baseball is the only reason I still have DTV.
  10. My kid got his acceptance email tonight! It’s pretty amazing because I honestly didn’t think he had that great of a chance to get in considering his situation. He goes to a high school with 50 kids in it, 11 in his class, and he won’t be the valedictorian. I guess a 1400 on the SAT, being involved in every extra curricular activity offered under the sun and a solid essay got him in.
  11. I keep hearing about staking, farming and pools. More specifically on places like pancake swap and yield parrot. Is this stuff actually legit?
  12. Anyone doing the Houston Marathon tomorrow?
  13. Sounds legit, just liquified all of me assets and dumped them into crypto based on this post!
  14. Yeah I wasn’t aware of Strawn’s freshman stud. My bad.
  15. While that sounds good it still doesn’t necessarily work out well for those guys. A first round talent gets a sizable signing bonus that would be at risk if they go to college first and get injured or aren’t very good.
  16. Find their own I believe. You see her run off and then come back with it pointing it at the robber.
  17. They don’t need kickass jerseys, just to not cut up their arms when a ball rolls over by the fence. Unfortunately there aren’t a ton of good candidates for this though.
  18. I’m the president of my local baseball little league. When I took over basically everything had gone to complete shit for the league. Fields were almost unplayable and the finances were a disaster. So far I’ve, along with the help of many others, gotten the fields into playable shape although there is still a long way to go. I’m basically at a point to where simply going out to work on the fields no longer does much improvement but now we need money to fix things. So I’m looking for ideas on fundraisers for the league. Currently my plan is to sell advertising to local businesses to go on our outfield walls. I’m also looking at buying a cooler and filling it full of stuff like gift cards to Academy and Spec’s to the raffle off. While these seem fine I’m worried they won’t bring in all that much money. Does anyone know of any good ideas that maybe their kid’s league has done? We don’t really have any money to pay for things up front so anything we do has to take that into consideration. Thanks for any help.
  19. You stated that he was cleared, thus implying that he was innocent. At no point was he cleared by anyone. Charges were filed, he was arrested, he was suspended for 75 games and then he accepted a plea deal with the Canadian authorities. That’s the opposite of being cleared. Players and the Player’s Association don’t typically accept suspensions unless they know it’s a case they can’t possibly win. The problem for the Astros was that they traded for him During the middle of his suspension. Then they doubled down when a front office employee yelled at female employees about it and the organization initially denied the encounter. The assumptions that the MLB protected the Dodgers but not the Astros in a thread dedicated to the league suspending a Dodger player are asinine. The big difference in the two cases is that when Puig was initially approached about the accusations he paid the women off immediately instead of fighting it. That kept it out of the public eye thus eliminating any public backlash. None of the professional sports league care about the actual accusations as much as they do about their public image. That goes for college teams as well.
  20. The fact that you think Osuna was innocent means that you are far too biased to discuss this with rationally.
  21. There’s a big difference in the two situations.
  22. Looks like we have our next candidate for the Divorce thread. Or possibly the Have You Ever Known a Murderer thread.
  23. Stephenville keeps getting bailed out by the refs against Hirschi
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