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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. We’re going to fuck up Seton Hall on their own floor. It will be a hate crime against Pirates.
  2. Some of the 6 man rules changes are: 80 yard field instead of 100 15 yards for first down (and onside kicks) whoever takes the snap cannot advance ball past the line of scrimmage everyone is an eligible receiver Offense must have 3 players on LOS after a TD, kicking extra point is 2 points while running/passing it in is 1 point
  3. Yeah most 6 man teams use the onside kick every kick. It prevents big returns and a good team can recover fairly often. You win 6 man games by getting your fast players in space with the ball. Size is good but speed is much better as speed has room to simply run away from the defenders.
  4. Strawn has had a great year but they likely get smoked by Motley County. CSB time. My kid is a senior this year and never played against Motley County in high school, thankfully. They did play them his 8th grade year. In that game my kid and MC’s stud this year combined for 9 straight kickoff return touchdowns.
  5. You say it’s someone from your small town, does that mean that you know who it is?
  6. I need to watch this considering my son plays 6 man football.
  7. The police department has handled this very well from what I can tell. They fired the officer immediately. There are no statements of support from other officers or anything. Complaining because the department didn’t act like an online message board keyboard warrior in their press release is ridiculous.
  8. Impossible, I’ve been told numerous times that Tech fans are and have always been the most die hard basketball fans on Earth. They literally invented basketball and cheering on your team.
  9. Is the windows laptop better than the Chromebook at that price?
  10. Both of those games are on Steam but sounds like the setup might be too much for me or the quality of play not worth it.
  11. Like I said, I know nothing about this stuff. If those are lightweight specs could I go with a Chromebook?
  12. I’m looking for a laptop that will mostly be used for school/work. Don’t really have a preference on brand. Just need a medium size screen. I would just grab a Chromebook but I do want to be able to play a couple games on it, I’m attaching screenshots of their requirements to this post. Any recommendations on this? Honestly don’t know much about laptops. Prefer to stay cheaper rather than getting top of the line models.
  13. It was a joke but you are definitely a complete asshole for stealing beer out of people’s garages.
  14. I like how everyone is acting like if the dad had just called the cops then this would have all been solved. The cops wouldn’t have done a damn thing about him getting his court appointed time with his kid. They would have told him to call the attorney general’s office and escorted him off the property. At least he is still alive then but he’s not getting to see his kid. Then when he calls the attorney general’s office to report it the will apologize and promise to deal with it. But all they will do is call the mom and give her a scolding, doesn’t matter how many times she has done this. This is probably the 10th time this has happened to the dad and he was just so fed up with it that he boiled over and ended up dead.
  15. I’m thankful for Chris Beard being the Longhorns’ basketball coach.
  16. It’s actually possible that it was an intentional attack on white people if some of the tweets in this thread are accurate. If he intentionally drove into the crowd as the one tweet stated you could pretty easily infer that he was trying to kill white people based on his past lyrics/statements.
  17. Thankfully it never hurt during daily activities but I could definitely feel something was off. It only really ever hurt while working out or carrying heavy things. I caught it early and made sure not to make it worse.
  18. I no longer feel it in my day to day activities but if I try to lift I can feel it. So still no gym for me. Just doing cardio in the form of running and biking right now. Have gone from 195 pounds to 171 since June of this year.
  19. Lebron should get a lengthy suspension from that, as should Stewart. Lebron, however, likely gets a small fine with no suspension while Stewart misses 20 games.
  20. Not sure it will matter as a lot of media companies continue to push narratives that were proven false during the trial.
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