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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. I hit Signature status recently for the next year too. Just checked and I have 22,358 points. Think my wife has about 10,000 too.
  2. The Astros fans prefer to stay in their own thread. Everyone else also prefers that.
  3. He's had a good strike zone so far, at least according to the box they have on tv.
  4. The DB was all over the receiver pushing him out of bounds on a play in which he was called out of bounds by inches. That's textbook DPI.
  5. I have zero problem with poor officiating as long as it is consistent. What pisses me off is when officials simply don't know the rules (this happens more in lower level high school games) or when rules are not applied consistently. There's no way in hell that Thornton's roughing the passer should have been called but not the one against Casey. Thornton tackled Sanders while surrounded by other players, you had to be looking for that call to make it there. Casey on the other hand was tackled 5 yards back from everyone else directly in front of 2 officials, to miss it there is unacceptable. The lack of reviewing plays that could hurt OU when the conference reviews almost everything is unacceptable. Having 2 holding penalties called against the TCU offensive line the last 2 years get picked up is unacceptable. Having an official who intentionally made contact with Charlie Strong so that he could throw a flag on Strong still being employed by the conference is unacceptable. Holdings, false starts, pass interference, etc are going to be missed and sometimes quite often. When those are quickly and sometimes very questionably called against Texas while often ignored when committed by Texas' opponents is when it becomes a problem.
  6. I hear they have the bestest team ever with the bestest coach ever! He was the real mastermind of their team the last 5 years. If that idiot Beard had gotten out of his way they would have won 5 straight national titles.
  7. Thought there was a chance a place from Wichita Falls might make the list but they just missed, should be in the honorable mention list.
  8. I just watched a team get on their bus at halftime, drive to a nearby gas station and then come back for the second half.
  9. So everyone should have your post history memorized?
  10. Am I wrong in thinking that the Feds legitimizing Bitcoin in any way should help drive up the price?
  11. I don't believe that the Big 12 has instructed the refs to rule against Texas in any manner. It's definitely possible that they have instructed refs to protect OU since they have been the conference's best playoff shot the last few years. The problem for Texas is pretty simple, the talent pool that the refs are drawn from. Most fans of college football in the Big 12 footprint either love or hate Texas. Many of the fans who hate Texas blame Texas for a lot of their school's problems. They find it funny when Texas gets fucked over, often chalking it up to karma. So when the Big 12 picks refs they can't send Texas fans to ref Texas games, therefore, we get the refs who hate Texas. At best we get a ref who is indifferent but there's bound to be at least one Texas hater on the crew, likely more.
  12. Had burned most of their available pinch hitters earlier in the game playing matchups.
  13. At 106 pitches and losing some of his sharpness, taking him out was the right call.
  14. Dodgers fan here and that was bad.
  15. Congrats HE! Definitely well deserved. I love learning about Texas history through your post!
  16. As Huck said it's great for learning new positions. Also good for getting AAAA players and prospects some work against ML quality players which helps with development.
  17. Are we also going to institute all the crazy ass random shit that happens in OOTP?
  18. I think Houston takes the series in 6.
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