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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. That's a lie, this woman had clothes on.
  2. Mine would divorce me, as she should.
  3. So glad I was wrong about the lack of picking up a starting pitcher at the deadline costing us a playoff spot. I had us pegged as a .500 team going into the year so making the playoffs and beating the Yankees in the Wild Card game has been awesome. Now let's go kick some Tampa ass in the Division Series.
  4. I just sent the winnings. Let me know if you didn't get it.
  5. The guy's had a rough year and I'm not just talking about baseball wise. How about you don't badmouth him.
  6. Just think of all the rep he would get on Surly for shitting on you.
  7. Do they get a bowl game if they are 6-6 with one of those wins being PVAMU? I thought FCS wins don't count towards bowl eligibility or is that a thing of the past?
  8. Jokes on you as we burned Sale on Sunday.
  9. The meaning of being promoted was significantly downgraded when they basically ignored their own stated consequences of being relegated. They said that teams who get relegated often get broken up with players leaving and new players being brought in. Then the entire team somehow remained intact through promotion. So when would the casual viewer who knows nothing about the EPL or Champions League be very worried about the benefits of getting promoted?
  10. Congrats to our winner Down to Clown! Great season! Also congrats to Quahog Drunken Clams and the Needville Swamp Things on finishing 2nd and 3rd! I would tag you all but I don't feel like matching up fantasy team names to Surly names right now. I will get winnings paid out soon to the PayPal email you used to send your buy in, likely happens tonight.
  11. Ted won't fire Nate, it's not his style. He'll try to redeem Nate. Nate will leave on his own or get run off by Rebecca or Coach Beard
  12. Fuck the Yankees. Get out of our thread.
  13. A friend of mine lost their child to cancer yesterday morning. He was 5.
  14. Lincoln Riley thinks Hitler was simply "misunderstood".
  15. Same shopping center as Academy but they haven't actually moved yet, just announced it.
  16. A pretty decent crowd when winning. Again that is the rumor which means it likely never happens. It would be awesome though. The mall just lost their most successful store, Old Navy, to another place it town. That pizza place is Bricktown Brewery and is great plus has more than just pizza.
  17. Poona was getting held while another OL choked him from behind.
  18. The newest rumor is MWSU buying the current Sikes Center Mall location, bulldozing it and then building the stadium there.
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