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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. Yeah MWSU joined the Tech system on September 1st of this year. MWSU can't go D1 though due to facilities. Still using the Wichita Falls ISD stadium for football. There is rumor of plans for an "on campus" stadium but there's always rumor of stuff with the athletic department that never comes to fruition.
  2. Dude just stop. You've got a legitimate gripe but you've got to remember that it's an American show catering to an American audience. Everyone's problem here is not your complaint but rather that you have posted 13 times about it already before most of us have even had a chance to watch the show.
  3. 10 teams is the sweet spot for me unless you cut down on roster spots. Unfortunately we could only get 9 this year so will start searching/posting/recruiting early next year.
  4. Since you want to victim blame, tell us where these cyclists should have been riding instead?
  5. Yes and you got called out for making up statistics and narratives.
  6. So not proof to back up your statements? Keep talking out of your ass then.
  7. Can you provide evidence of this?
  8. Not to delve into this yet again but saying that 99.9% of players were fine with it is an outright lie. Many players spoke out about it being wrong and the punishment too light.
  9. Call Company A to explain the situation and apologize for the inconvenience. They will either match the other offer or let you go and wish you well. If it's an issue with them then you likely are dodging a bullet.
  10. You're not very familiar with SEC refs are you?
  11. If college athletes are employees then wouldn't that extend down to high school athletes and even junior high athletes?
  12. This will ruin college sports. For every school like Texas there are 100 schools that can't afford to pay players. All over those low tier D1 schools, D2, D3, and JUCO schools are fucked.
  13. I saw an article that said that there were 60+ witnesses and the truck driver admitted to what he was doing at the scene. I will try to find it later. That would be far from a he said he said situation. There were people airlifted from the scene. By not arresting him on the spot you are losing access to possible evidence. Had he been drinking? Drugs? Did he record it?
  14. Going with $275, $125, $50
  15. He'll be expected to run the garage sale because she "forgot" that she scheduled a spa day on that same day where she will be gone for 6 hours.
  16. I bet she spent more money on that than she will make in the the garage sale. Assuming she actually has a garage sale.
  17. Parents are typically going to trust and believe their child's story, sometimes despite all evidence to the contrary. It's part of being a parent. This dude had days to think up and detail out a plausible story for his parents. It would also be hard as shit to turn your child in on any crime. I'm not surprised they helped him when he first got home, that's just natural parental instincts. My problem with it would be if they are still helping him with all the information now public.
  18. Well the Rays had the first bitch ass move.
  19. Not a big deal until Toronto sent their bat boy over to retrieve it between innings and the Ray's refused to return it.
  20. Lol Javy Baez just struck out on a pitch that hit him
  21. It's not just that she's a "pretty white girl" but that she was a Youtuber and social media influencer. That's where the interest in this story started and grew. Media outlets picked up the story because it got popular on social media.
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