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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. Rooting for the Ray's just feels dirty. Ajax couldn't wash off this shit.
  2. He also ended Pedroia's career because he's a dirty ass bitch who deserves to be forced to choke on a rusty sword.
  3. Fuck Manny Machado. I hope he gets raped by 100 donkeys. He is right in this altercation though.
  4. Well we did what we needed to do this weekend. On to the Mets. Have to split that at a minimum.
  5. What are the high school rules on onside kicks? When can the kicking team make contact with the receiving team, etc.?
  6. I would assume to allow teams to send assistants off to recruit while still being able to run full practices using the support staff.
  7. Really need to go 4-1 in the next 5 games.
  8. This discussion always depends on if you are talking about the jobs in a historical context or simply where they would rank right now.
  9. Lol I remember arguing with Ranger fans before he ever threw a ML pitch about how great he was. They insisted he was a future multi Cy Young award winner. Turns out I was right in that he's been the same as every other Japanese pitcher.
  10. Welcome to the shit show! At least my boy Brasier didn't suck ass today.
  11. Or just commit seppuku over being a Yankees fan
  12. I haven't needed to fap since the day I met your mom.
  13. 99% of school districts would ask their principal to take down those pictures.
  14. I was gaining a lot of muscle definition and increasing weight amounts at the gym for a couple of months. Then my elbow started hurting and hasn't stopped hurting for 2 months. It's a dull pain when I use it too much. I'm pretty positive that it's tennis elbow. It sucks not being able to get rid of it.
  15. Those will be front and center but this will absolutely be brought up.
  16. Except he's really not good enough to be doing shit like that. It will be brought up and used against him with every team he talks to this offseason.
  17. Baez hasn't even been there a month
  18. Nah what they are doing is bullshit and reeks of being butthurt.
  19. txhorns


    He already redshirted
  20. Says the person who just quoted the Onion as a legitimate source.
  21. We've got an internet badass here!
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