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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. No team would want to do this with their top prospects. The prospect would be out of their control and could get hurt. The prospect's service time would have to start if they are in the majors thus reducing the years the parent club would get them for. But most importantly, no team would want their prospects negatively effecting their chances of making the playoffs.
  2. I could have done just as good as Buzz without any cheating. How can you possibly suck that bad.
  3. Getting booed because of poor play is different than getting booed because you hit women.
  4. I simply said that the only reason Altuve has been portrayed as the face of the cheating scandal is because he's the face of the franchise. I in no way used the cheating scandal in an argument. You are far too emotional involved in the Astros.
  5. I don't think anyone is arguing that he's not a total douche asshole, he clearly is. Altuve is the face of the cheating scandal because he's the face of the Astros franchise.
  6. At this point I feel like Bauer should be reinstated based on what we know now. If more comes to light or criminal charges are filed then he goes back on the shelf. It seems at best the woman wanted to get kinky and rough but then changed her mind after the fact. Worst case scenario is she asked for and did all of this with the intention of then extorting Bauer and when public when that fell through. Either way I wouldn't want anything to do with Bauer on my team considering he was a willing participant in hurting a woman. The butthurt from Astros fans on here is simply from Bauer calling them out for cheating. If it was really about the abuse there would have been a lot more outrage over Osuna pitching for them than there was. (Some were outraged) Calling him Tyler is very aggy.
  7. I've just fully given up on this season. Having my top 7 draft picks all miss huge chunks of the season has been atrocious.
  8. He did a ton of relief work for restaurants and their staffs during Covid 19. He has countless times fed firefighters and other workers who were battling the California wildfires. He has an organization that helps kids fundraise and learn business skills through pretzel carts. Hell he even officiates gay weddings.
  9. The sad part is that when we were up 10 runs all I could think about was how we were going to manage to blow it. Then we just kept scoring.
  10. I've started riding a lot recently, mainly to do a 50 mile race/ride at the end of August. All of my riding is on roads. I'm slow as shit though, just did 40 miles on Saturday at 13.6 MPH although the wind was 20 MPH for that. I've been using flat pedals but have looked into clipless some. Would clipless pedals help with performance/speed at all or just with comfort and maneuvering? Do I just need to keep riding to get faster over time or what else helps with speed?
  11. My 6 year old son has been watching beach volleyball in the Olympics every night. He's been cheering for the A Team for the USA. He was sad this morning when I told him that beach volleyball is over now.
  12. This is why having a coach that embraces the transfer portal and is able to fully utilize it to his maximum benefit is key.
  13. Like I said, not picking up a SP will cost us a playoff spot. Sale will bump one of those guys but we can't be trotting out 2 of those guys plus this years version of Rodriguez down the stretch and make the playoffs.
  14. Not picking up another SP at the deadline will cost us a playoff spot.
  15. I was on vacation during the trade deadline. I was very disappointed to see we didn't go after a starting pitcher. We desperately needed a starter and a 1B. Our rotation is terrible right now and Sale coming back can only do so much.
  16. That's just terrible.
  17. We put a bell on a rope and hung it on the back door. Our golden retriever is trained to go ring the bell when he needs to go out to potty.
  18. Crate and kennel train it. Research puppy food, we have used Fromm and liked it. Non-retractable leash, 2 bowls and trainer treats. Dog bed would be good for the crate but don't expect it to last. Most importantly get a fuck ton of patience. It will drive you nuts at times. Find a good vet now so you aren't scrambling for one if an emergency occurs. Walk it daily, tired dogs are much better behaved. Brush it at least weekly but preferably a couple of times a week. Let it interact with other dogs and people often, this is very important. For a puppy I would also keep some hydrogen peroxide on hand, forcing the dog to drink it makes them throw up. This comes in handy for puppies who will eat anything. Just remember, the more time you invest in the dog from the start the more well mannered it will be throughout its life.
  19. Don't forget about Gordon, he's either the 4th starter or a top bullpen guy next year.
  20. Story goes that Verdugo tossed the ball to a young Red Sox fan but the adult Yankees fan intercepted the ball. Then when Verdugo turned around to walk away from the Yankees fan threw the ball at him and hit him in the back. Of course Helobious doesn't see a problem with it as he is so used to getting hit by ballsacks.
  21. My kid got his SAT scores back and got a 1400 on it! This is huge for him as he lives with his mom and goes to a tiny ass school with only 58 kids, 14 in his class. There's almost no way he was going to be valedictorian as there's a kid in his class that moved in last year, junior year, from a much bigger school and that kid is a total geek. All that kid does is study and UIL activities. Mine plays football, cross country, basketball, tennis, track and golf along with UIL, robotics and various other things.
  22. I've got no problem with taking Mayer at #4 overall. It's a great pick. It pisses me off though that there's only 1 pitcher in the first 6 rounds and he was taken in the 4th.
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