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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. Didn't get to spend much time there but Joshua Tree was better than I expected. We went in November. Just did little hikes because of the dry heat. Even with it being November we were more dehydrated than we realised. Started hiking and going around the park early morning and had each had four 20 oz bottles of water by noon.
  2. Likely a combination of both of those. Beard seems to like athletic big men just like everyone else but athletic 6'11" guys weren't going to go to Tech. I would bet he's fine playing a 6'8" guy at the 5 but would prefer a Sims type guy instead.
  3. I don't see any reason the cop should be charged or punished in this situation but it is certainly a case that can be used to better train officers for future confrontations.
  4. It's very likely that he was encouraged to move on by the new staff.
  5. I heard that on the Road to the Show mode you can play as a 2 way player in this years game. That's going to be awesome!
  6. Cunningham is back and a forward who I wouldn't be shocked if he gets significant run as the 4 next season.
  7. Counting that first weekend series against Texas is just bullshit. Same goes for Tech and TCU. With all the other shit going on that week we were obviously going to be really bad. Our teams couldn't practice or even really leave their residences. Half the state was without electricity. The 3 SEC teams were living life normally, practicing normally and not dealing with the storm of the century.
  8. I agree just saying that sometimes moving a hot hitter up in the order kills him.
  9. Not necessarily. Sometimes that kills a good thing.
  10. That wasn't just a meatball down the middle either. Melendez went out and got it.
  11. Yeah William's and Faltine fucked up because they were the major instigators in the situation. The catcher had no need to get back at Antico to apply the tag though. His movement backs Antico and standing over Antico is what set William's off. Daly must have said something pretty bad or just wouldn't shut up after being told to by an umpire. If he was tossed just for the typical shit talking that occurs during those "fights" then that's bullshit.
  12. There's no reason the K-State catcher should still be in the game. His going back towards Antico and standing over him started the whole thing.
  13. The money aspect is also not just about the head coach salary. Tech likely would have matched whatever Texas offered for Beard. Tech, however, probably can't match what Texas is willing to pay for Beard's assistants and support staff.
  14. Beard didn't take a pay cut to go to Texas. He's getting paid more. The perceived pay cut is because he got a one time bonus of $750k this last year. That's a one time bonus, not a yearly bonus.
  15. Yes, haven't been able to find a 10th
  16. That just means you're guaranteed to beat me.
  17. Yes the current draft order showing should be correct
  18. BTW I figured out how to do the league with 9. Have to create a 10 team league and then delete a team to get to 9.
  19. Avg was changed to OPS. Wins was changed to QS. IL spots went from 3 to 2 but left the bench spots at 4 due to Covid.
  20. Just found a place to randomize the draft order so did that and I think it's set now.
  21. Yeah the draft order is not correct from my recollection. It is random right before the draft.
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