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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. He will be playing basketball professionally next year.
  2. Tech player wouldn’t have gotten hip checked by Cunningham if he had rightly been thrown out for the elbow to Max’s face.
  3. Under 3 or we shut down the program and execute Pierce on the pitching mound using a guillotine.
  4. We need to be below 3.00 or shut the program down.
  5. Did the female ref call a foul on ISU?
  6. It’s not that weird or hard to understand.
  7. Injury risk and their teams don’t want them to.
  8. Pitchers will never play in Alumni games.
  9. Shedrick is fine as a bench big playing 10 minutes but no more than that.
  10. I run a youth baseball league and we are currently looking for a retired guy to be our maintenance/ground crew for our fields. We are offering $20/he for 10-15 hours a week. Something similar maybe available in your area.
  11. Would we take both Bond and Ryan Williams? If not, which one is preferred?
  12. My dogs had puppies 2 weeks ago. 10 golden retrievers.
  13. Smoked a brisket for the Sugar Bowl.
  14. Why would he spend time recruiting high school kids when he has no plans to be there after his kids graduate next year. This whole charade is just the world’s biggest case of a helicopter parent.
  15. You mean all of the commits that have abandoned ship already?
  16. I run a little league organization. Had zero issues from players or dads last season. All issues were because of the moms.
  17. I hope all of you contributing to the band bullshit get fucked by a rusty flute tonight.
  18. Just watched this and thought it was average. Someone should have put a bullet in Bev a lot sooner. Kept saying the whole time that it was a vampire and not an angel and turns out the priest knew it all along. I think it could have been a lot better but there were too many drawn out speaking parts that would lose my attention.
  19. Randy, is that you? Not near long enough to be the Duke
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