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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. https://www.cbs.com/shows/texas-6/ Anyone else planning to watch this? My kid plays 6 man football so I'm really looking forward to it. It's about the Strawn football team and town.
  2. As much as I love Dustin this is great news. It's been obvious for a couple of years that he couldn't make it back. It's also been painful to watch him struggle. The guy gave his all in everything he did and it was both a pleasure and honor to get to watch him play baseball.
  3. It should be a great series. I think the Dodgers win it because of their depth.
  4. Lol these are not the same. Lincoln Riley calls plays while Mack is a CEO type coach. A CEO coach has plenty more time during the game to work the refs. There's also a big difference in working the refs in a game and constantly bitching at them.
  5. The problem for Texas is that the best we can ever hope for is average refs who don't blatantly screw us over. The refs all live in the big 12 territory. Anyone who follows college football in this area either loves or hates UT. They can't put UT fans out there as refs for our games so they are forced to use refs whose favorite teams are our rivals. We have more rivals than any other team in CFB and so it's almost impossible for there to be unbiased refs against us. How you combat this is to do what Mack did. Befriend the refs but stay on them the whole game about calls with the tirade over the occasional egregious call. It's no coincidence that the refs became very biased against Texas after Mack left. That's because both Strong and Herman sit there looking dumbfounded without ever saying anything.
  6. You're the one that took this off the baseball field and brought up wives, so why get so butthurt when he throws it back in your face?
  7. There's a pretty clear reason why the Astros have been the focus of all the cheating instead of them either the Red Sox or Yankees.
  8. I'm not seeking anything, just using logic. Logically there are really only 2 possible scenarios. Either they cheated so badly that their guilt got to them and they stopped cheating on their own or they cheated on a similar level as other teams and didn't stop until it all blew up in their faces. If it's the second scenario then there is absolutely doubt about how good those players are, even 4 years later. In that scenario this season was the first in which they weren't cheating, which was awful for them but also a small sample size, so yes next season would be the first real test for them post cheating.
  9. The 4 years later would indicate that they stopped cheating 4 years ago and, therefore, have already proven that they do not need to cheat to win.
  10. So you're going with the narrative that yes they cheated and it worked. They won a World Series from it. They got away with it. But instead of continuing to cheat they decided to stop out of the goodness in their hearts?
  11. This season in no way helped the Astros argument but it's certainly not a slam dunk that they all had highly elevated numbers because of cheating. They did nothing to shut up their detractors but that doesn't mean they proved them right either, especially in this weird season. Anyone saying definitively either way is either a homer or hater. I'd certainly be a little concerned if I were an Astros fan but next season is the real test.
  12. The hate by Texas fans over that has always been so stupid. He was a college guy sticking up for his team, absolutely no reason to shit on him for it.
  13. Watched them at all? It's a crazy different game.
  14. My son's scrimmage was canceled this week because it was supposed to have 6 teams there. They had a game scheduled for September 18 that's been canceled already because it was against a TAPPS school. Everything else is running on schedule so far.
  15. My kid started practice yesterday. Starting at RB and LB/DE for his team this year. Probably doing kickoffs too. They have an easy schedule so might go undefeated on the year if they get to play.
  16. What does everyone want to do?
  17. Good question. I think it should be right before the season actually starts.
  18. Just recently got into cycling. Have been riding for about an hour twice during the week and 2 hours on Saturday. That will probably increase as time goes on but not dramatically in the near future. My wife wants to get me a couple of cycling jerseys for Father's Day. Is there much difference in the premium brands of jerseys that cost $150+ versus the brands around $60-80? Which brands do all of you recommend?
  19. Well the shutdown didn't last long enough for me. Sounds like my sister in laws wedding in two weeks is not only still going to happen but at full capacity because the venue told her that they won't be following any restrictions.
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