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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. Burkburnett had a tornado just west of town last night that luckily didn't do any real damage. Multiple hail storms came through. There was softball size hail all over town. Many instances of cantaloupe size hail all over town. The house in the news story above wasn't the only house that had a piece of hail go completely through the roof but that was all at houses that are already shitty. Researchers from multiple universities and even NASA have been around town this morning asking for any hail from the storm last night that was saved/frozen. Sounds and looks like we had a hail storm for the record books.
  2. Lol I can't wait for the remarks about how they are only doing this because minority coaches/GMs need a handicap.
  3. Really for your needs just go to the local sporting goods store and see what they have. Definitely get a 6 person tent to have a little extra room.
  4. Anyone got a recommendation on a good trunk mounted rack that can hold 2 bikes?
  5. There are a lot of variables on this decision that we don't know right now (or at least I don't) that could dramatically change the decision.
  6. $400k isn't some game changer for a kid about to make millions. I'd take a year of college at Texas over $400k in this situation.
  7. I've actually started running during all of this. Haven't ran in 10 years and am out of shape. I'm about a week in. Have been running 3 days off 1. 1 mile each day. Today was the first day I stretched that to 1.25 miles. Trying not to overdo it and hurt myself. Fastest mile time was yesterday at 9 minutes and 20 seconds. I was thinking about signing up for a virtual 5k on April 25th to give me something to work for but I'm not sure I could go that far by then. I know it all pales in comparison to what you guys train for but it's a start for me.
  8. There's a huge fucking difference in letting the women's coach contract run out and firing the men's coach right now. There is no way CDC was going to fire Shaka during all of this Covid 19 stuff. That's a $15-20 million bill that he would get crucified for right now by everyone other than die hard Longhorn basketball fans.
  9. My bracket would still suck.
  10. The NCAA canceled all remaining winter and spring sports. I guess it's possible that the Big 12 will break from that and resume playing but I highly doubt it.
  11. Wrong, they are done for the year.
  12. It's not about CDC but rather the boosters paying the buyout.
  13. No rants about the refs because we won and most people just don't give a shit anymore.
  14. Cunningham got kicked in the balls and no foul was called even after a review. Andrew Jones got called for a foul despite never touching the guy. Multiple times the announcers who are told not to call out refs called out the refs for atrocious calls against Texas. We were more physical and aggressive in that game which is why we won despite getting fucked over by the refs.
  15. We already know this. How else do you explain her going on a date with him in the first place?
  16. For most 5* players I would say no. Not every kid is dirty. For instance I could see a kid like Will Baker being clean. Goes to Texas because he grew up in Austin and was always a fan of the school. The kids swayed by the cheaper housing and shit like that are not 5* players. They are the type of guys that Beard and Scott Drew are getting right now.
  17. Everyone who is competing in college basketball is doing something dirty. There is a huge difference in giving a kid $200k in cash and in helping him find favorable off campus housing, however.
  18. This isn't the first year we have had a decent defense under Shaka.
  19. The commentators had 4 or 5 plays in which they seemed shocked that they went against us. That's almost as much as you will ever hear from a commentator bash the refs in a game. And who says that Shaka going nuts wouldn't have helped? We were getting hosed against Tech until he got the tech, then things evened out.
  20. Also Coleman got fouled by Reaves on that shot
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