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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. Again this is because they have us losing to both Tech and OU. If we split those games and beat OSU we will have a really good shot at making the tournament if we don't shit our pants in the conference tournament.
  2. txhorns

    Shit My Kid Says

    My mother in law has Alzheimers. She will probably be dead within a week but is still alive. I took my 7 and 4 year old to church last night but just dropped them off and picked them up real quick because I needed to run a couple of errands. Apparently my 4 year old told everyone there that the MIL died yesterday morning. Seven people from church have either sent flowers to the house or stopped by this morning offering their condolences.
  3. Shaka could make firing him very difficult but that is highly unlikely. He's no where close after just 3 wins.
  4. Honestly in order to get some actual good advice we do really need to know from op if this was a 1 time emergency type situation that racked up the debt or if it's just bad spending habits and living above your means.
  5. I would agree that there are likely other teams but not the entire league. The Dodgers are not hypocrites, yet, but are guaranteed hypocrites in the eyes of every Astros fan. The Astros fans are so far the only hypocrites. When the Astros were first accused nearly every one of their fans cried innocent because there was no evidence. Now that they have been proven guilty every other team is automatically guilty with no evidence, for most anyway.
  6. Except that not one Astros fan on this forum really knows anything about the hypocrisy yet every single one of them claims as fact that every team was doing the same thing.
  7. Does it even matter? Astros fans will either say "see everyone was doing it so we shouldn't be punished" or "MLB is lying and covering for the Red Sox.".
  8. Sorry for the upcoming rant. The guy who was the President of my local little league really fucked it up. Four years ago the league had $13k saved up for expenses. Now there isn't a penny. None of that went to the league or fields. The fucker spent it all on his kid's travel team. Now he is gone. The fields are shitty. The concession stand that hasn't been used in 3 years is shitty. The bathrooms are shitty. There is no useable equipment for the teams. There is no dirt on the fields. They are all grass and weeds, lots and lots of weeds. A couple of other guys and I have stripped the infield down to dirt and added what little topsoil we had available. The bathrooms, concession stand, dugouts and press box/equipment room building have all been pressure washed and cleaned. I have sprayed all fields for weeds twice but with no success. Still fields that are 100% weeds.
  9. Didn't the investigation find that the Astros cheated in 18 but not 19? Wasn't that because of testimony from Astros players?
  10. How do I get rid of this stuff? Preferably with something from Lowes. Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
  11. Boise State hasn't won a game in 40 years.
  12. I think if we miss the tournament then Shaka is gone. Make the tournament and lose in the 1st round then he could stay or be gone. In that scenario it probably depends on who CDC realistically thinks he can hire. Win a game or two in the tournament and Shaka is back.
  13. Am I reading it correctly in that it's not a matter of being undisciplined with spending that got them into this? More so bad luck in something like medicals bills. Either way you could look at driving for Uber or Lyft on the side. I bet if you did that enough on the weekends you could start cutting into that CC debt some.
  14. Hey guys we are getting close to a new year. Figured I would start this early so we had plenty of time to discuss any rule changes and make sure we got a full slate of teams. Are there any rule changes or different stat categories anyone would prefer this year? Looks like opening day is March 26 so I would think we want to have the draft a few days before that. Maybe Sunday the 22? As always payments are due before the draft. Let me know if you are in again. I think we are going to need 2 more people unless anyone below decides to bow out also. Thus the early thread. @Scraps @Henry Hill @Doc Sam Beckett @VolenteHawk @Brew @Jack Handey @Capn81
  15. Why complain? It just makes it easier to know which buildings to ignore.
  16. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/topic/12009-2020-astros-offseason/
  17. It's going to die down eventually but the first time the Astros visit a new team this year they will get heckled pretty heavily.
  18. The problem for the Astros is that this may fuel them for a couple of months but after awhile it will get exhausting. They will have to fight back for 162 games or at least 81 road games. Other teams and fans only have to do it for a handful of games. I see it wearing the Astros down more than fueling them to a championship.
  19. Yes but can you prove that any Astros players can read? If not then they are innocent.
  20. Coleman is getting absolutely raped with no fouls called
  21. I'd fuck those Kstate female cheerleaders
  22. Cunningham is the only player on our team with active hands. He goes after the ball aggressively. It's really nice to see.
  23. Hey now he raise his hands up and gave an inquisitive look.
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