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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. It's so much fun listening to our announcers talk about every mid major as if they are Gonzaga.
  2. Hell I'm just glad that his dad is getting on to him for not getting enough rebounds instead of getting onto the coach because some other kid took a shot.
  3. Interesting, most people don't put a wedding dress on the town bicycle.
  4. There's a huge difference in the steriod scandal and this one with the Astros. The steriod era was individual players choosing to dope up to gain a competitive advantage. It was very widespread but still individual players. With the Astros it is a team that has organized the cheating. The actual team organization participated in it. That is a huge difference over individual players cheating, no matter how widespread the steriod dosing was. It really takes this scandal up a notch when the team that cheated won the championship. Their cheating directly resulted in a championship, that's a big deal. That's why the Astros are under so much scrutiny right now. It also doesn't help the the Astros front office has made huge mistakes in the public perception area either.
  5. We only have 1 available scholarship and are saving it for Brown. This isn't a concern unless he goes elsewhere.
  6. Damn Garrett got straight up punked by the NFL. They could have just said nothing but instead they flat out called him a liar publicly.
  7. Really it all comes down to what actual evidence there is. It appears that there is at least some concrete evidence that the Astros cheated. They should be punished for that. If there is physical evidence that others teams also did this then those teams should be punished as well.
  8. Garrett is full of shit but we all knew he would eventually accuse Rudolph of racial slurs. There is no fucking way Garrett would have kept quiet about it to the media for this long. And if by some miracle he had there is still no fucking way he wouldn't have told the entire Browns organization about it 10x by now.
  9. Grandal just signed with the White Sox for 4 years $73 million.
  10. If I was the commissioner handing out the punishment it would be in the form of a ban on Hinch and Luhnow. I think if you banned those two for say 5 years from baseball it would go a long way in deterring another team from doing the same type of cheating.
  11. A multi year postseason ban would certainly be harsher than a loss of draft picks or a fine. At least with the postseason ban it's going to harm the team in free agency which is a short term effect. But like you said, if you asked the Padres or Rangers I bet they would gladly take a championship this year even if it included a 2 year postseason ban immediately following that championship.
  12. I watched the Georgetown Penn State game and Georgetown was not good. This is a game we SHOULD win easily. We won't though because we never make things easy for ourselves. I bet we win in fustrating fashion.
  13. If you want to put an actual stop to this, or stop it as much as possible, then you have to take away championships and individual awards. Players don't care about a loss of draft picks or a hefty fine. For them the reward still outweighs the risk. Teams care more about it but still prefer the increased production over a draft pick or fine, especially when the increased production produces a championship. You have to make the risks outweigh the reward if you truly want to stop this type of cheating. A big problem for the Astros is that they have made themselves out to be the bad guy over the last few years. No fans or media of other teams have any sympathy for them. I think they get a harsher punishment than they may deserve because of this.
  14. About a month ago I was walking my golden retriever in my neighborhood. We are walking past a house and a pit mix busts through the glass door to come charging at my dog in the street. Pit gets to us and starts aggressively sniffing my dog, then starts going after my dog's face/neck area. I start kicking the pit in the face to get her to stop. Finally the owner comes running out but is yelling at me for kicking her dog. She was threatening to call the cops on me. I didn't give a shit and told her so. She eventually dragged her dog inside while still yelling at me. Guy across the street was outside and saw the whole thing. He walked over after and told me to have the cops come talk to him if she really called them.
  15. I heard that they are already scheduling Tarleton for 2025.
  16. It's all very simple really. Kap is good enough to be a starter in the NFL, or at least he was 3 years ago when he opted out of his contract. He was not good enough to be a starter on a playoff contender. That means that his baggage comes into play a lot more. No team wants a QB who can't lead them to the playoffs when that QB will cause protests by their fans/media. It's just not worth the extra headaches for a guy who won't win you games. If Kap was as good as Brady, Malholmes, Rodgers, Jackson or Wilson then he would have a job right now despite his baggage.
  17. This about perfectly sums up the difference in the two.
  18. Reed wants the belt tested because it's his 90 yard hail mary to simply keep from being executed. If his DNA is not on it by some miracle then he claims innocence despite all of the other evidence stating he is guilty. Maybe that keeps him from being executed. If his DNA is on the belt then what does it matter, he was going to be executed anyway. It changes nothing for him.
  19. This guy deserves to have his dick cut off and fed to him as his last meal.
  20. I have no problem with not dominating CBU tonight if that means the guys mentioned get plenty of playing time. It should still be an easy 15 point win though.
  21. My bad, my reading comprehension escaped me momentarily I guess. I thought you hadn't heard of the WAC.
  22. Looks like CBU is projected to finish 2nd in the WAC this year behind NM State.
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