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Everything posted by txhorns

  1. Even then they could have said something after the game. It's never too late to be a decent person.
  2. Saw this, good for the school to actually take a stand.
  3. There's a whole lot of "ifs" for this team and if they all came true this is a damn good team. Individually those "ifs" are probably pretty realistic. As a whole there's little chance under Shaka that all or even most of them come true.
  4. Nah I think if the team reached its full potential an Elite Eight would be reachable. However, there is no way this team reaches its full potential. Not with Shaka as the coach.
  5. Not with the new rules. This would be his redshirt year.
  6. He could play next year. Unless he transfers in conference then I think he would have to sit next year.
  7. I thought there was optimism on both Brown and Floyd being able to play again?
  8. My wife is running it and going for a PR 3:30. She's also running the Joshua Tree half in two weeks.
  9. I didn't say that LSU wouldn't match. But they are strapped for cash so if for whatever reason they didn't match and Texas was substantially higher then it could happen. That is highly unlikely.
  10. Our ceiling is pretty damn high, probably an Elite Eight. Our floor is pretty damn low.
  11. We all knew he was a flake before he signed. This should surprise no one.
  12. It would probably depend on his desire to be a head coach. If he wants that then he should be able to get a pretty good job soon. If he is fine being a coordinator then he might would move to Texas based on financials.
  13. I thought the UIL banned airhorns?
  14. I threw out 15 scholarships as a number without any thought put into it. I decided to break down what I truly believe it should be. This is for baseball only. 1 full scholarship per position = 8 4 scholarships for SP = 4 3 scholarships for backup position players (1 catcher, 1 infielder, 1 outfielder) = 3 3 RP scholarships = 3 So a total of 18 scholarships. Can be full or broken up as they are now. Max of 35 players on team with 28 per series active. That is what I think the rules should be for Division 1 college baseball.
  15. Every church I've ever attended has been pretty transparent with this information. Once again it's the megs Joel Osteen type churches that ruin the reputation of everyone. That's a very small percentage of churches. Even with those churches, is it really those churches who cause the problems or is it the multiple "charities" that the church and pastor have on the side that are the problem?
  16. This kind of bullshit is why it's near impossible to get a kid drafted in the top 10 rounds onto a campus. Baseball needs an extra paid assistant plus additional scholarships. There is no reason to not have at least 15 scholarships in baseball.
  17. I think 4th in conference is a pretty generous projection unless everyone is assuming Jones is healthy again. If he is healthy and can play like he did before cancer then we might be good. I don't keep up with the other teams all that much. Can anyone tell me what the other teams in conference lost or gained during the offseason? Obviously Kansas and Tech will be really good again this year. Baylor was young last year and should improve a lot. What about the other teams? Are we projected 4th just because the rest of the conference is utter dogshit?
  18. That would be an absolutely stupid thing to do.
  19. I agree that the ref should have been more aware. I think the second time looked a lot more egregious than the first time. The OL's head snapped back like it was a hand to the face. It looked legit live. It was obviously wrong on replay.
  20. Those 2 calls are bad after the benefit of slow motion replay. Which is why all personal fouls should be reviewable.
  21. The calls weren't near as bad as everyone is making them out to be. The 2 hands to the face calls were wrong but understandably so. Defender had his hand up near the face but not actually on it. In real time with bad angles they look like good calls, with replay they are bad calls. The non PI call on the Packers defender was probably missed but also wasn't called all game on either team. Should the refs change the rules at the end of the games? Do we want that called all game so that there are 10+ penalties per team each game? The unnecessary roughness call on the Lions safety with the hit on Allison is absolutely the right call. It does not matter if he was going for the ball.
  22. I've always wanted to get into a grand strategy game but never had a desktop. Would this work on a laptop computer? More specifically an HP Elitebook?
  23. I told my 4 year old son that I was going to the bathroom yesterday. He decided to sit on the bed and wait for me by watching.
  24. I'm behind, who is Eaton flipping to?
  25. I'd ditch your wife for the Jew
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