The odds on what is happening to Texas over the last 10 years is virtually impossible. The odds say that it is nearly impossible that every single team has fewer penalty yards against Texas than their season average. This has been happening for 10 years.
Let’s look at this year. Texas opponents have all had their cleanest game of the year when officiated by Big 12 refs. Texas is receiving less than half of the average penalty yards for the Big 12 from their opponents. Now think about it, why do teams always complain that the good teams always get the calls from the officiating? It’s because a lesser team has to hold a little extra or get a little more physical to compete in the game. That in turn draws more flags thus making it seem lopsided. But this year Texas is the better team, with better athletes, and NFL caliber talent. There are screenshots from literally every game of our Dline in chokeholds, often multiple times on the same play. So why are these not getting called? The only explanation is that the refs are intentionally holding onto the flag.