Completely different events, 9/11 and Covid-19. Apples and Oranges and tons of nuance needed to unpack, time we don't have and I'm not sold based on your post that you even understand how different the conversations are and that it would be worth the time with you.
Also, and not just you I've heard it from a lot of others here, but those who would lay the blame of the division and brokenness at Fox News and Rush or Joe Rogan (to note, I've never watched hardly any of these), is either lazy (binary, default to an emotionally comfortable answer), naive (young or stupid) or in denial to the inherent wickedness that is a human being. IMO of course.
We've digressed however, and I apologize for taking us on a tangent, when all I wanted was to lobby that CCP gets their badge of dishonor when we have these conversations and we remember their infamous part in the origin story of COVID-19-- and let's memorialize that by making sure we remember that so if-- big IF-- we can recover domestically from this and we are ever a healthy country again, we make them pay.