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Everything posted by DonkeyCigars

  1. No, It’s even funnier since she’s being serious. I wonder if you really understand humor at a fundamental level.
  2. That’s hilarious, now that I understand it. What a wanker.
  3. What does the bullseye emoji mean typically, for those of us who have never done Twitter. Is that guy being sarcastic or actually giving props.
  4. Daniel Radosh has summed it up perfectly, for my tastes. That said, who is carol blymore? is she famous? is she a twitter celebrity like christy tiegen? Was her response an actual burn or are we making fun of it because it was stupid? I honestly can't tell if she's referencing something that's over my head or just dumb.
  5. It’s easy to spend other people’s money for things you’d like. Not you, specifically, which is why I like you. You seem to be open to putting your literal money where your mouth is, but the royal You.
  6. Just caught this on a plane. What a weird movie, but as many have mentioned, the first was so horrible and Will Smith such a joke, that this could have done nothing different and still been better just by having a 50 year old Idris Elba. I think what confuses me is how Harley Quinn is a metahuman. She seems like she would be no different than Milton, I thought she was just a really smart psychiatrist who went crazy and got her mind all screwed up by Mr. J and that was her notoriety and claim to fame. I get that DC desperately needs to build a franchise around an anchor who will draw the male eyeballs in, so maybe it's just as simple as that.
  7. I've read there is hope that Fanatics will buy Topps. I think a similar situation happened where Fanatics came in with all their SoftBank money and out-maneuvered Majestic to displace them as uniform providers. I guess what I'm saying is, there is business precedence... https://www.retaildive.com/news/fanatics-buys-majestic-months-after-winning-deal-to-replace-it-as-mlb-partn/439749/ Also, edit to add, and I can't confirm this one way or another as someone who is *not* a card hobbyist or enthusiast, but I've read that TOPPS is the prestige name and brand of the physical card class that collectors love (more than any other) and that is surely worth something to Fanatics.
  8. The only reason for your shadow to darken the doorway of a Rainforest Cafe is because you have kids ages 4-7 years old. That's it. If you are going for the food or anything else, well, that's on you. You should know better and you should already be aware that you are not paying for food, but you are paying for the atmosphere and for the face painter that walks around and the balloon animal guy who goes table to table and for the $18 ICEE with a cheap plastic toy in it and the 4 stale brownies stacked together with a sparkler on it at the end of your sad, little $100 meal. You are paying for a couple of hours to have your children smile and enjoy an immersive yet stupid Showbiz pizza meets Fight Nights at Freddies meets Jumanji. If you don't have kids, you should never know what the menu here even looks like, much less be disappointed with the food. If you do have kids and you are judging this place on the food, then I question your parenting ability and wonder what other wild misunderstandings and confusions you run into on a day to day basis.
  9. I saw today that the Atlanta Falcons were the first professional sports team to be 100% vaccinated. That's really all I got on your topic, sorry.
  10. Wow, I just caught up on this thread and my key takeaway here is, there really is a whole 'nother America out there filled with a whole 'nother type of people with divergent interests and habits. God bless you all. I couldn't imagine if my wife was into this kinda stuff.
  11. Same; I think I’ll start watching it soon.
  12. I read this today, which I think a lot of folks aren't aware of. When people hear "breakthrough infection" they assume they are shedding it to their old parents or whatever, it seems like: and In his “PensĂ©es,” Blaise Pascal, the seventeenth-century French philosopher and mathematician, advanced an argument: Every rational person should believe in God. Pascal’s wager, as it’s come to be known, begins with the indisputable supposition that either God exists, or he doesn’t. If you believe in God, and he doesn’t exist, then you’ve lost very little—perhaps a chance at some risquĂ© behavior that’s better avoided anyway. But if you don’t believe in God, and he does exist, you’re damned. Better to believe in God. We might not call this “belief,” exactly—it’s too calculated for that—but it does have a certain logical appeal. When it comes to breakthrough infections, we are not compelled to believe that they are seriously risky. The data are too inconclusive for that. But we may still choose, rationally, to make a wager. For vaccinated people, the coronavirus threat is massively, undeniably smaller than it was last year; at the same time, we are taking more risks—visiting family, attending weddings, going to church, returning to the office. We have to make decisions about what’s worth it, what isn’t, what we should do now, and what can wait.
  13. Agree wholeheartedly with you but also, there is still time for the show to surprise us and recapture that season 1 magic potentially. I guess it's hard to remain ground-breaking and culturally relevant once you've established yourself, so even if season 1 was the anomaly and season 2 is what this show is, I've come around after the Christmas episode and reading about why it was there, at that this is still a fun 30 minutes, just different like eating a bunch of sugar for the quick laughs and cheap hits of fun.
  14. Heck yea. If you are super rich it is even more a material of savings. It literally costs you millions (compared to a low tax or no state tax) to live in a high tax state. I remember reading comparisons for contracts that major leaguers and professional sports players would get and how much take home was left on the table compared to living in Texas or Florida and it was mind blowing.
  15. Pixar’s Luca. Thought it was pretty fun and innocent despite the press and others trying to use for it an agenda.
  16. Good and different, is a good way to sum it up. It’s always a dangerous thing to read your own press clippings, good or bad.
  17. We love the Monsters, Inc movies, but the Monsters at Work original on Disney+ is pretty mediocre. Tylor Tuskman is just completely unlikeable.
  18. Yea duh. I mean there is even a TedTalk about it that’s at least a decade old and I know I’ve been going to the bathroom and doing the “Superman pose” (hands on hips, elbows out, big chest) and walking crotch first into big time meetings for at least that long as well. ”As you wish” was an underrated RomCom one liner but one that I thought this audience would be quoting like mad on this thread.
  19. Haha what? Your posts here make so much more sense now.
  20. I thought this episode was pretty good-- really liked the Roy Kent story (sans the niece hijinks and focused on soccer). Enjoying the passive aggressive struggle Ted is having with mental health and the good doc, will be great to see that blow up and Ted get better for it later on in this season. A bit disappointed the show seemed to hint at Ted being the love interest on the app for Rebecca, but I bet they can make hay out of that. Better Ted than Nathan, because that would be a quick/cheap gag and also Nathan as a character has worn me out. I'm completely over him and would be fine if he were relegated to a few lines every week in the Diamond dog lounge or something. Good episode on the back of a really bad one-- but more than anything I've come to reset my expectations and realize that I'm enjoying the show despite of myself. I'm not the target audience for this show. I've never seen Love Actually and I have never seen 90% of the movies quoted (and have no interest in RomComs at all) that was the running gag of this episode, so I did have the feeling I was missing a lot of the references that would have been amusing if I had seen some of the movies. I did recognize Jerry McGuire though, so I got that going for me.
  21. I wasn’t trying to advocate or give you an opinion on what you should have done, right or wrong. You are an adult and I don’t know you. If I assume positive intent with people, which is my personal chosen default and choice, then I assume you’ve done whatever you felt was right by you and your family and based on your beliefs. For people who are conflicted, for some that means abstaining from voting (you) for others it’s holding their nose and voting (me) and for others it means an anti-vote or vote against someone (most other republicans on here).
  22. It really goes to show how great season 1 was. The moniker “Break-out hit” gets overused but was invented for situations like Ted Lasso Season 1, because of what you said.
  23. The "Hold your nose and vote" political trope is very real, at least in my experience. You are right. Trump sucks and is disgusting. Of course there are certainly things about Trump that disgusts me. Knowing that to be true, the existence of my voting for Trump implies the existence of the other side being more disgusting. That much should be obvious. Of course there are absolutely times I've felt conflicted and had to wrestle with moral and philosophical values internal to myself when it comes to politics-- and if we are being honest, at the end of the day I'm not 100% confident that if morally or philosophically prosecuted that I could say the correct decisions were made in the balance. I *think* that I am consistent with my belief pattern and value system, but my personal experience is that when it comes to politics, it's a messy and ugly business which can provide dark, damp places for doubts to grow and live. Especially with the benefit of hindsight. That's representative Democratic republics, right? Have people try and thoughtfully prioritize their values, on an independent and individual level, and try and find the "product/market" fit within politics and politics. That's our Democracy, gentlemen. That's America, guys. That's all it is. Now, whattaya gonna do?
  24. Registered Republican here admitting I was big time for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan at the time. There. Bucket list item checked off for you, friend.
  25. I read $3T. I asked this in another thread and got some good answers, but I agree, in theory and as a management consultant, the strategy should have been to partner with other Muslim/theocracy-friendly rich countries (OPEC Arabs, Qatar, UAE, etc. and Iranians) and build organization and capabilities to become the Kings of Lithium. Now you are going to be in a position where Taliban is back to milking goats and growing and exporting opiates, with us gone, China will be free to rape and pillage Afghanistan of all their natural resources which will further empower and enable China in their growth as the world's most powerful superpower. It's hard to imagine a better scenario for China, they didn't have to do anything and are the clear winners and beneficiaries of all this.
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