Before responding to your point specifically, which I think is good, I want to say "The CTC isn't bad and I'm not mad about this and think it's fine how this is going right now", so you can skip the rest if you are going to try and mischaracterize me.
Now, between you and I:
I read that analysts are saying this CTC is a boon to Wal-Mart and Nike (their words, take the implications as you see them if the shoe fits on who gets these credits). The point being, I agree with you, because just stimulating the economy to buy things, while important for necessities and sundries for day to day living, is not going to be a good use of tax dollars and increased spending if it's to further enrich Bezos or Nike shareholders or LVMH and other fashion houses (the latter being more typical with a lump sum versus a monthly, lower stipend).
That being said, raising taxes on the rich is going to be the left's suggestion, but we know that there are so many tax loopholes that the rich won't pay for it and that the politicians aren't going to not close those, so then the left will say "make the investors pay for it by hiking the capital gains tax" which will disincentivize investors (people are not inherently altruistic, has long been my thesis), hurting the economy even more.
I think we need to do this to help poverty, glad it's being done. But I think now more important than looking to stretch out these welfare programs indefinitely, the need is to invest our national dollars into R&D. You mentioned Private billionaire space programs and I thought of this I read: