His overarching point was that the ultimate bedrock here is personal responsibility.
And your point Celery Man seems to be, "well why are you wishing for something that is long gone, if it ever even existed, because the root cause is obviously external and not an internal issue" (because if it were internal, that would be admitting to a decay in society/culture, at some level, over time).
And I get that "personal responsibility" is a punchline in 2021 because the party of it doesn't have it and the other party never pretended to, but at the individual and micro level, it used to be something we took pride in and would strive for.
I don't know the answer now that personal responsibility seems like something we aren't capable of internalizing, but I think we are all on the same page of identifying obesity/fat people as a growing trend over time and a problem. It's obviously not a crisis because we don't have a shared incentive for it to be, but I guarantee if we were all on a nationalized healthcare system, there would be a lot more hell to pay both socially and emotionally and financially for being fat and a drag on the community. Maybe that's the answer to get some accountability back into the equation instead of pretending Lizzo The Stallion and plus-sized modeling in Target fliers are positive and healthy and helpful.