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Everything posted by DonkeyCigars

  1. My kid loves the Nathan Hale books; knows more about WWI and such than I do because of them, but also the Guts & Glory series may have a Medieval book. I know they have a Viking book which was around that same time I think?
  2. Bwahahaha, this one got me.
  3. Just heard the song and thought “this is good and factual and true and probably good CRT in action.” do you disagree on that basis?
  4. This is from that amazing poet laureate, the muslim Nasir bin Olu Dara from New York. I feel like teaching black kids these things is super important and should be done-- especially at home. Before we came to this countryWe were kings and queens, never porch monkeysThere was empires in Africa called KushTimbuktu, where every race came to get booksTo learn from black teachers who taught Greeks and RomansAsian, Arabs and gave them gold, whenGold was converted to money it all changedMoney then became empowerment for EuropeansThe Persian military invadedThey heard about the gold, the teachings, and everything sacredAfrica was almost robbed nakedSlavery was money, so they began making slave shipsEgypt was the place that Alexander the Great wentHe was so shocked at the mountains with black facesShot up they nose to impose what basicallyStill goes on today, you see?If the truth is told, the youth can growThey'll learn to survive until they gain controlNobody says you have to be gangstas, hoesRead more, learn more, change the globeGhetto children, do your thingHold your head up, little man, you're a kingYoung Princess when you get your wedding ringYour man is saying "She's my Queen"
  5. Yea, that's if you are committed to selling. I see a lot of value in basically setting the floor at your dream price and then working up if you are only half interested in selling and reaching that floor would justify the mental/man hours put into going through the process.
  6. If you don't NEED to sell, why not be greedy and hard-headed in this market. "Make me move" is the mindset and it makes sense for those who aren't compelled by anything other than the crazy market.
  7. While I like your post, I'd rather my kids at elementary school be taught CRT and have CRT used in analogy rather than Harry Nerd Boy Potter. Just kidding with you!
  8. Love this post. This drives to the heart of it all; well done!
  9. Have we met? My name is DonkeyCigars. I think I like you.
  10. I hear you, but I don't think what you are stating in the above is all that accurate. At the very least it is debatable. I certainly don't think it's as simple (or not so complicated as you said) and cut-and-dried as you have laid out.
  11. @TwiceHorn, to my point, this is the kind of broken brain / brain-wormed people who you have chosen to associate yourself with ^^^ haha, man. What a world.
  12. You vote for composites of people. I don't think there are many examples where a politician anyone voted for agreed with the votee in lock step on every issue or matter. I generally agree with Ted Cruz on a lot of matters. Let me be clear for you: I do not agree with Senator Cruz on this topic nor do I agree with his tweet and find it to be very much in error and out of line with my way of thinking.
  13. Agreed. But it's the history and implicit racism vis-a-vis "exclusivity" that I don't think you are considering (and which is a similar theme to these beach clubs). Here is a referesher: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/10/sports/golf/lee-elder-masters-augusta-national.html
  14. Agreed. It's the culture of politics in 2021. I mean look at this thread and some of the responses here. Everything has to have a spin because politics is cut-throat these days.
  15. Again, why are people defaulting to "This is bad but WORSE is this is a hypocritical witch hunt by Republicans and BUT TRUMP!". You people realize this thread was pulled at and unraveled by the Rhode Island equivalent of Austinlocal.com or culturemap.com or KXAN? This wasn't some astroturfed or GQP conspiracy theory or red meat for the base cooked up in a think tank lab to rile up the base. If your problem is that political opponents are making fun of it and laughing at it and enjoying the unforced error and 15 minutes of political micro-controversy, then I question if your ability to consume politics and political news is appropriate for your state of mind or mental health state.
  16. I'm a conservative and I think that is really stupid reasoning. I'm a conservative and I think DEI is a good thing, generally speaking. I think it's in the application and policy that reasonable disagreement can be had.
  17. I think the argument is that we should all care as it relates to diversity, equality and inclusion. Representation matters. Systematic racism is being perpetuated by not caring. Black Americans need allies; people who will care about this and not just ignore it or not care. Anti-racism is caring about this, even if you don't want to hang out with these people. Do you see?
  18. We can be in disagreement and still be friends. It's a beautiful world, sometimes, in that way.
  19. Clearly the answer is that McDonald's needs Foxcon. They need to have high-rise barracks to house all the poor people who work there, complete with anti-suicide nets, to feed and house the workers for our industrial consumption of horrible junk and fast food. All jokes aside, the real irony here that I don't think people are considering is this: Middle-class and above don't, generally speaking, don't eat fast food in any common, habitual or materially diet/nutrient dependent way. What I mean is there is a difference between slumming it when drunk or eating TacoBell or JITB tacos once a year or McDonalds/Wendy's in a pinch or as a worst case scenario for convenience vs. poor people who largely subsist off of the dollar menu for the entire family. You raise the prices to pay people better at these places, you are essentially creating a consumption tax for the 75% of the TAM that fast food serves. This is why I find it incredibly hard to care about raising the wages of a subway artist or a sonic hop-- it's your own fault if you habitually eat at those places. You are already overpaying for crap., -- As a footnote, I understand that $4 of food is not created equal. The $4 to buy dinner is cheaper $4 of groceries that you cook and there are lots of reasons across the board that make that $4 spent at Wendy's cheaper than the $4 to cook a better meal for yourself, from ingredients/groceries cost (and availability in food deserts), to ability to cook, to having a kitchen, to having appliances and appropriate cookware, to having the luxury of time, and to culture.
  20. Is it Republicans whataboutism? From what I read this was a local reporter/local journalism doing some local work (as journalism generally works) and I can't tell if there is really a political slant-- it was Rhode Island journalism and NYT pursuing this story and pulling at the thread: and I'm not sure "whataboutism" can be blamed here unless you are talking about the penchant of conservatives to laugh and make light when dumb things or unforced errors happen to political opponents (which is universal and both sides of politics).
  21. By this response I think I'm hearing you say, "I want to disagree but can't really figure out how to".
  22. If that one liberal lady from a few weeks ago had to issue a sad apology for being a kid and winning some debutante ball that had roots (though no is longer associated and now has actual minority participants) in the old south plantation days, then I think it's fair game to make this guy really uncomfortable and make him issue a breathless apology on twitter, resign his membership, and spend a week or two in the proverbial barrel before society moves on to the next minor cultural outrage. This does remind me that MLB commish Rob Manfred moved the All-Star game for political/racially-sensitive issues, but remains a committed member to Augusta National, another historically no-blacks allowed private club. Lots of people-- a few even on here-- were defending him saying he shouldn't have to feel compelled to resign. Maybe that position should be revisited. More broadly, maybe the idea of exclusivity-- based on race, economics, or cultural capital-- should be examined more closely. It seems like a moving target-- what was acceptable for inclusiveness in 1800 is obviously not anymore. What will be acceptable in 2120 may be quite different than how we do it now. For example, maybe the 90% of the American working class in the future after we reach as close as we can to equality utopia, complete with the standard issue government gray jumpsuit all comrades wear, will be aghast to hear about networks like the Soho House and it will be whispered about your family "I can't believe your great great granddad was a hetero artist who sold an NFT to cybercriminals once and peddled in exclusivity by virtue of his creative class capital. You descend from monsters."
  23. Honestly not trying to be dense, but I think the issue just might start and stop with your last word here. Very fair and maybe too complex to unravel, at least on this thread and with this crowd.
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