I don't understand how he didn't get 100% universal appreciation and love for this:
Let's talk white women—you're amazing. Amazing, your accomplishments over the last few years. I gotta tell you, the way white women somehow hijacked the woke movement, generals around the world should be analyzing this.
Just to refresh your memory: The woke movement was supposed to be about people of color—not getting opportunities, the at-bats that they deserve—finally making that happen. And it was about that, for about eight seconds. And then somehow, white women swung their Gucci-booted feet over the fence of oppression and stuck themselves at the front of the line. I don't know how they did it.
I've never heard so much complaining in my life from white women. "I'm hurt, with my SUV and my heated seats. You have no idea what it's like to be me." Trashing white guys. The nerve. Where's the camera? The nerve of you white women. Listen, I don't want to speak ill of my b***hes here, OK? I don't. But let's go back in history here, OK? You guys stood by us toxic white males through centuries of our crimes against humanity. You rolled around in the blood money. And, occasionally, when you wanted to sneak off and hook up with a Black dude, if you got caught, you said it wasn't consensual. Yeah, that's what you did! That's what you did! So why don't you shut up, sit down next to me and take your talking-to?