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Everything posted by DonkeyCigars

  1. Nope, DIAMOND HANDS! It's going to bounce back and go back to the moon!
  2. Yea, May has been a good month for us all. Which speaks to maybe a more subtle issue; maybe because of the (Cringe 2020 buzzwords alert) unprecedented times we were going through and the new normals we were having to figure out, everyone was a worse version of themselves online and we are emerging from that.
  3. Who sent the most stuff back and tried to get everything for free (despite having eaten most of their plate and saying it was gross/wrong after they were full)? I'm guessing Karen's with blacks being a close second followed by the church crowd.
  4. This is probably true, and it's probably based on relativity. I know for me, I get frustrated with poor service or lack of basic competence in service at places where I really shouldn't expect much of people and my wife has to remind me of that. I think it's called tolerance and it's been something I had to work on.
  5. What are we talking about again and why? Restaurant customer stereotypes and surly server's experiences? Are we going to do the Jewish ones and the black ones next? Asking for a friend. But seriously, did Biden make the news by not tipping or something? Edit to add: I now see this was from the minimum wage/people don't want to work/extra $300 discussion. Makes more sense, I had forgotten.
  6. I certainly don't view myself in this way, but maybe you are right. I'll try to be a good employee and listen and take your feedback here under advisement.
  7. While I obviously agree with you that I bring honest opinions (that are my own, not my employer, etc. boilerplate/safe harbor legal disclaimer), I disagree that CR doesn't have a fair share of people who still automatically dismiss and make impossible to discuss, with the cheap and lazy "you are a troll" riposte because they can't handle the opinion and/or think it's impossible someone earnestly holds the opinion. I have my anti-fanbase who neg rep everything I post, regardless of content, and go back in time to do so. Not sure what the ultimate goal is and I generally ignore it, but I think it paints a picture of an attempt to silence and remove. I think Anastasis said it best when he said it seems like a lot of us live in different worlds with respect to our experiences and ideas and interactions in real life and when bringing them to bear on the messageboard, it seems like something is missing.
  8. I'm not sure if this was in response to me, but I was just trying to explain how I felt the situation happened and the dynamics at play. It's one thing to have the aggressive and rude interactions and discussions as you said above and get name called or whatever, who cares and yes to be expected with this sites charter and origin, but it's quite another when the CR feature players completely dismiss those of us with conflicting views as trolls because, in their own mind, they are so righteous and correct that nobody could hold a dissenting position and belief and be serious. That's how DT came to be, in it's current state, in my opinion. That said, my favorite CR posters are all posters who hold almost polar opposite opinions than I do. Bad_teammate is oft-cited as a fan favorite from both sides, but also many other super liberal posters are fun and interesting to read.
  9. In my opinion, the situation in the DT came about because of the CloakRoom culture of "Gas light, Gatekeep and Girl boss". This made it to where anytime someone with a dissenting opinion and point of view was shouted down as a troll. This obviously has happened to me. Once that happened enough times, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy in some folks minds that posters were trolls, despite attempts to discuss honestly-held opinions and positions and point of views that were in the minority. This led to a situation where having worldviews and belief systems that are not similar, and even in some instances are in conflict and antithetical, to the general CR beliefs meant that you generally weren't welcome to participate without being shouted down or dismissed as a troll out of convenience or misattributed lazy groupthink. And to some degree I get it, politics is an emotional and personal thing for a lot of you people, so anything that runs counter to your beliefs is something to fight about or dislike but I'd like to remind everyone as we all get ready to go back to the CR: The lowest form of dismissal is mere factionalism: to automatically dismiss any idea associated with the opposing faction. The lowest form of all is to dismiss an idea because of who proposed it.
  10. Is this thing going to hit $40 today? $50? I'm up 250% on my YOLO, let's go!
  11. I YOLO'ed today on a bet that it meme's to the moon; everyone get your diamond hands out.
  12. I YOLO'ed AMC today after making some really solid gains the last 2.5 days. AMC to $50 or I'm broke.
  13. The blowhard Christian is a known (stereotypical) cheap/bad tipper. What GRU I think is saying is that also in that same vein of "service/industry restaurant worker tribal knowledge", the black person is also a known (stereotypical) cheap/bad tipper. Why can both things not be true? Why is it always a competition? In this instance they both suck at a single particular thing. It's like that old Tom Hanks Black Jeopardy sketch on SNL. If only the cheap white christians knew how much they had in common with the average black person, they'd have a lot of fun together.
  14. That bolded part is a bridge too far. I get being concerned with the character of your neighbors if you have children and think they will be around their kids, or if you have a tight-knit community, but signaling out both political affiliation and race is egregiously wrong. What did your friends do/say in response? That seems like a good teaching moment.
  15. The managers of Austin Beerworks inadvertently waded into this debate in early May, when the company posted an online job listing about an open bartender position. The job included benefits such as health care, paid vacation and sick days, and 401k matching, which Graham says they offer to all of their employees. They received sixty applications, and every applicant with whom they scheduled an interview showed up. Noticing all the debate about unemployment on social media, Graham shared a Facebook post about their experience: “We’re seeing lots of posts about how nobody wants to work right now. Just wanted to share our experience,” he wrote, before relaying the response they’d received. “People want good work.” A vigorous argument broke out in the comments section, which Graham says he was not expecting. “I don’t think unemployment being the competition to business is going to end well,” a user called James Morrison posted. “The end result is people who are capable of working, not working. That isn’t sustainable.” Other posters accused Graham of bragging while many local businesses were struggling to make ends meet and couldn’t offer salary increases. “I just wanted to put another data point out there,” Graham told me. “I wish I could kind of rephrase some of the things—it did come across as patting ourselves on the back.”
  16. Celebrity hires like this don't go to bulge brackets-- you really think Vernon Jordan or McRaven can add value? "pls fix" decks or run excel models? These guys are paid ambassadors to show off at dinners and events and tell stories and have drinks. Mitt Romney he is not.
  17. Me too, haha. Wait, who is TahoeHorn?
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