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Everything posted by DonkeyCigars

  1. And, hey, that's fair. I don't know your positions or stances on things as well as you seem to know mine, but I get that for some people, sometimes you can be too philosophically far apart to have productive and healthy discourse. I respect that. Peace.
  2. I keep hearing people say these things and I think they must surely be joking, because as we all know, semen that's been spent into a sock or a shower floor does not have a beating heart with interconnected nerves and feelings, no more than a woman should be harassed because her menstrual emissions discharge reproductive tissues and blood and an egg.
  3. This is the heart of the darkness that is the pro-life/pro-choice debate and problem. There are very different, yet equally ardent and strident, core beliefs around this that inform entire worldviews, intertwined with faith and science and distorted mostly with the ignorance we all struggle with as human beings living in and on a world we don't understand. Hearts and minds don't get changed very easily about most things, but I think with this matter it's even more entrenched on both sides.
  4. Why is that phrase messed up to you? Which substitute would you recommend and I'll use that instead, if it helps. You have a large group of people who think that a child created from a rape should be killed, implying the baby is unwanted and of an inferior make-up, unworthy of love because of the child's tragic origin (despite it being 100% not the child's fault). I'm saying that by this child being given a chance to live and fulfill whatever potential it might have, it could be redeemed through love and support instead of being snuffed out prematurely before his/her time. Then again, I believe in a quasi-pre-destination existence where time, unironically stated, is indeed a flat circle. Or at least a mosaic.
  5. I don't think you are missing anything-- this is also news to me and sounds like a great thing for those who would want to leverage a good school district in their neighborhood and put would-be tuition money to work to make more money.
  6. I actually had no idea this was in the works or being put into law until today; I don’t advocate or advance policy upon others one way or another. In this instance I just find a happy coincidence that the law is aligned to my personal and moral belief and am happy for the celebration of life and the potential the living babies might have. If the law doesn’t get upheld you won’t see me marching about it.
  7. So, if we can get beyond arguing over abortion being murder or not for a minute, what are the implications and realities of this bill? Does this thing have a shot at being a law or is it just grandstanding and distraction or what?
  8. Now this is a thread you should start and a idea worth sharing #TEDxSurly
  9. For the 81st time, I said, I hope you are right. I'm not saying you are wrong, but I'm also acknowledging you have just said stuff without any proof or citation, as I earlier had asked. I mean, I'd like to know what informs you.
  10. This cigar smells like a Crispy ass troll Ouch. Now you are getting mean and personal!
  11. I did read this, which is where I got the 5% number that informed the 5% of the 3% of Texans who will get sexually assaulted (which doesn't even necessarily mean raped or raped in a way that can cause pregnancy)
  12. I'm as pro-gun as anyone else I guess, I'm one of those weird conservatives who really want to see a more liberal gun reform policy though for sure.
  13. If they aren’t being taught then great; we are all in agreement for once!
  14. Yea I had a bunch parents of the local public school we feed into tell me about their experiences before pulling their kids out and they themselves cited CRT. Maybe they misappropriated and maybe I misappropriated CRT as the reason for why we went the route we went, hence my “don’t care what you want to call it, it’s not for me.” comment
  15. Besides #3*, these tenets have no business being taught to children in the classroom. I hope for the sake of my public school brethren that they are not being, as you say. But in any case, I don't care and I would suggest if you do care about this issue, one way or another, vote with your feet and wallets. *There is only one race: the Human Race.
  16. As inconvenient as it may be, yes, I believe overwhelmingly so.
  17. 2.3% of Texas women will be sexually assaulted a year (not even necessarily raped, but let's got with that). Of those, 5% will be impregnated. That is: 0.00115 Wow I was really close, if not spot on, huh?
  18. 100% against. Though like with abortion and how I can appreciate the idea or desire and understand it, I can also understand the impulse to want to fry heinous people, etc. etc. But yes, I am 100% against death penalty. Thanks for the softball lol
  19. But what do the numbers say? Why don't we both stop talking and put in some effort to finding what the data bears out, and come back to this topic? Because it was my assertion that it was a very rare event that you took contention with in the first place.
  20. The interesting hold around the politics of abortion is that, no matter how much I can appreciate some aspects of D's or things that I like, ultimately, Democrats will politically rationalize, justify, dehumanize, and abstract the fact that abortion is killing a human life form. I just can't reconcile that fact. And there are a lot of people like me who ultimately have to vote for pro-life candidates because it's that serious and obvious and cut-and-dried a matter to us. And look...I say all that with the realization that it isn't pragmatic. It's in all our material and superficial best interest to abort, especially with teens and poverty, because those babies aren't going to get the support they need to reach their potential in this world, statistically speaking. These kids will be the criminals and deadbeats and drag down the bottom line of America and as Malcolm Gladwell has shown, it's in the best interest of polite society (and as some have over-rotated and said on this very thread) to allow only those with means and ability to responsible for children. But, in my opinion, there are lots of shortcuts and easier options to make for a more utilitarian society. We can't just kill people who are inconvenient to us. That's vanity sociopathy.
  21. Raped and pregnant. What is the % of women that happens to? I took a guess, am probably wrong, but the point remains; highly improbable and too statistically insignificant to build a position or case around IMO. But even in that black swan event, I stand by abortion being murder and the right thing to do, in my opinion, is to redeem and raise the baby. I appreciate your disagreement and think you have the right and free will to raise your family as you see fit, also.
  22. The government can do what it wants, will of the people or whatever, who cares. At the end of the day, the government is not going to define or influence my beliefs and worldview and ideals. I happen to think the government got it right here and am pleasantly surprised. That's all I got to say about that.
  23. We don't typically talk about the .0001% hypotheticals of messed up things that can happen, but I suppose we could build out a theme for tonight's dinner entertainment: "Extremely low hypotheticals and our family plan". We can talk about this, we can discuss a nuclear strike from China and maybe what would happen in a meteor strike.
  24. Socks with heartbeats, eh? Besides being your cool band name, not sure it's germane.
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