The interesting hold around the politics of abortion is that, no matter how much I can appreciate some aspects of D's or things that I like, ultimately, Democrats will politically rationalize, justify, dehumanize, and abstract the fact that abortion is killing a human life form. I just can't reconcile that fact. And there are a lot of people like me who ultimately have to vote for pro-life candidates because it's that serious and obvious and cut-and-dried a matter to us.
And look...I say all that with the realization that it isn't pragmatic. It's in all our material and superficial best interest to abort, especially with teens and poverty, because those babies aren't going to get the support they need to reach their potential in this world, statistically speaking. These kids will be the criminals and deadbeats and drag down the bottom line of America and as Malcolm Gladwell has shown, it's in the best interest of polite society (and as some have over-rotated and said on this very thread) to allow only those with means and ability to responsible for children.
But, in my opinion, there are lots of shortcuts and easier options to make for a more utilitarian society. We can't just kill people who are inconvenient to us. That's vanity sociopathy.