Let’s say I agree with you, which I don’t, you are simply espousing an opinion. If you wanted to cap people at $1bn, you would have to drastically redefine how America does business. Full stop. It’s not just a financial change for 700 people, it’s a change that cascades throughout the entire DNA of America and America business and economics. It’s a heavy, heavy redesign and reorganization that will take massive amounts of energy and intelligence from people only rivaled by the founding fathers IMO and let me tell you; James Madison ain’t walking through that door and all the genius-level thinkers and leaders are probably more interested in protecting their assets.
Any wholesale change will need to be after blood is shed, IMO. These are revolutionary type changes we are talking about here (you and Longhorn), which is why it’s just yahoos online with an emotional opinion and not realistic conversations (lol at capping people at $5m or taking everything after a cliff of $1bn)