No, I get it, I get the concept, I get the lyrics. But everything, Ruben and the Jets, We're Only in It For the Money, etc. To me it feels like on one part, yes, you're in on the joke, but then on the other hand, it feels like, you're actually part of the joke as well. When all the lyrics are sarcastic, and satirical, and contemptful, it's just not my personal thing. Again, I appreciate the music, and much of it is mind-blowing. It's just not something I'm going to go back to again and again.
A lot of people rail on Roger Waters for the same thing, the politics and all, I'm personally a Roger fan, but I can definitely see why others feel the way they do about him. But Roger can also step away from all the vitriol and produce songs that are deeply personal, or have a moment of hope or depth of feeling to them. To me, Zappa just seem to be, I'm the smartest guy here and you're either with me or I'm going to show you how stupid you are. Maybe there are songs he's written that are not in that vein, lyrically, I've love to hear them.
Again, I'm not knocking him or you or anyone who enjoys his music, I do as well, in doses.
ETA: I just got on Spotify and picked a few albums at random and spot-checked some tunes, Hot Rats, Lather, Uncle Meat, there is some incredible stuff on there and I will definitely give them a full spin at some point. Not that you have time or want to, but if so, gimme a playlist, stuff more in the instrumental vein, and I will for sure check them out.