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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTCzech III

  1. Oh, it did. BTW, she lives right across the street from me. Moved in in February or so, never real friendly although I talked to them a couple of times. Like to have lots of big redneck parties with cars blocking all the streets. Ever since this came out, have not seen hide nor hair of them, they come home and straight inside, although they did have a party last weekend, took my dogs out about 3:40 am to piss, party was still going strong. Two guesses where they went to school (or at least support), clue, they don't lie, cheat or stea....oooh.
  2. It should have been you, Donald.
  3. You just know she would secretly love for Jimbo to smack her around a little bit. While Norman watched.
  4. I live in a small town (Taylor), I get mail every day. Mostly junk, flyers, "we'll buy your house", insurance quotes, etc. Tuesday is junk mail day, heb ads, coupons, etc. This week, Monday and Tuesday - zip, nada, empty mailbox. Finally got our junk mail today, a day late. I'll be monitoring it for a while but does seem something might be up, we'll see if it's a glitch or not...
  5. Grifters gonna grift, might as well ride the gravy train...
  6. SIAP It's a really long read, but a good one... Rolling Stone - The Unraveling of America
  7. Charlie Chaplin marathon on Saturday, dvr is set.
  8. Damn that brings back some memories. My brother used to work at that one, I'd stop by at lunch, salad and a slice, the best. Especially since the salad was a few greens and about half a pound of shredded mozzarella. Also spent a lot of time at Alpha Music as a music major, picking up valve oil and trumpet etude books.
  9. Posted on Facebook:
  10. Prause's Meat Market in La Grange is shutting down. Not the be-all end-all, but just good serviceable 'cue. 100 years, pretty good run.
  11. WHY NOT DONE??!?!?!?!!?
  12. John Phillips, London. I have two myself.
  13. Just finished watching Tread. Good, not great, pretty dry for a documentary. It's only 1 1/2 hours though, goes by pretty quick.
  14. Do-NATE plahsma, christ...
  15. Since I married a redhead, 31 years ago today, gotta go with red. Been a crazy ride.
  16. What the world needs right now is more Monkey News.
  17. No cooked but canned. Have a nice sized fig tree in our back yard. Usually the birds/squirrels get them, or they never really ripen because of the heat. This year, being stuck at home with the rona, I've had plenty of time to keep it watered and my two watch dogs have been keeping the squirrels away, so I've had a banner crop this year. This is about 6 pounds worth, I've got another 2 pounds in the freezer and easily another 2 pounds or so that still need to ripen a little more. Never tried making fig preserves before, again, plenty of time, so what the hell. Turned out pretty well, a little sweeter than I wanted, will dial back the sugar next time.
  18. Not knocking texifornia, but Longhorn Frenzy is the one with the actual inside scoop, he screen shots the good stuff on twitter and texifornia just copies and posts over here. Both are doing God's work. ETA: and I didn't mean "just", takes a lot of time and effort, texifornia is a good egg.
  19. Reggie White agrees (well, agreed...)
  20. Sounds a lot like that chick from the Shag (not a member but talked about), think she was a lawyer in Dallas and alleged her bosses were using her in a sex ring or something... nutso.
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