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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTCzech III

  1. Cross-posting this one from the virus thread. And another 10cc fav of mine was inspired by this famous ad...
  2. Self-explanatory. (And this thread may have been done before, nsiap.) Could be something like "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald", or something subtler, like this one. No CR, but in light of current events, it reminded me of the liner notes to Billy Joel's "Songs in the Attic", specifically for "Miami 2017", which was written in response to the 1975 Daily News headline "Ford to City: Drop Dead". Or this one, written after a concert at MSG, where he was heckled about playing new music, people just wanted the hits (It WAS an oldies tour, to be honest)...
  3. Yeah, I was wondering when the "Ford to City: Drop Dead" references were going to start up... (Learned that originally from a Billy Joel album, the more you know...)
  4. UTCzech III


    Stuck working from home, so listening/transferring a bunch of LPs over to digital, helps pass the time. I'll update as I go along. Today, a bunch of my parents' country LPs, that Johnny Paycheck is really damn good. (The Roadhog Moran LP is mine, picked it up at Goodwill for fifty cents a few years ago...)
  5. So I wonder what covid-related bullshit she posted that caused her to blow up her twitter acct? And bets on how long she keeps that promise?
  6. Really good interview with Rhea Seehorn about Jimmy's influence on Kim. LINK
  7. Not Neighbor but the FB community watch page.. So the local ministerial alliance put up a cross in the town square like they do every year, no biggie, (this is in Taylor BTW, hi @Armybrat), there's been nativity scenes there before, etc. This year somebody made a big TOMB to place alongside the cross (by somebody, it looks like the local drama club, not exactly daVinci quality here...). Well, apparently you need a permit for that and they didn't get one, so bye bye TOMB. Holy hell, did that bring out the "Christians" (of which I am one, but I'm more the live and let live type). Gonna overthrow the whole city council, it was all the usual suspects (you know who got blamed, trying to keep this non-CR). Not so much lulz but it does let me know who the idiots are in my little burg... ETA: pretty amazing to know some stone cutter during the Crucifixion knew what the state of Texas was going to look like someday...
  8. This is really good. Can't wait for the CD and DVD to come out.
  9. Reminds me of Jeff Altman's Uncle Carl (it's only the first 2 minutes or so, and there's probably 5 people on this whole board who even remember this, maybe, I'm an old.)
  10. Probably old news but new to me, good stroke of luck.
  11. Agreed. Crumbling Land has always been one of my sleeper favs.. ETA: BTW, they show that on TCM a couple of times a year, pretty trippy late 60's hippie movie. Has some great cinematography.
  12. I used to think Kim was going to die before it was all over, then I thought she'd just get disillusioned with Jimmy/Saul and leave him, but now I'm thinking she might wind up in prison or disbarred or something on her own. The look she gave Acker after she bared her soul about her childhood and he blew her off (and her actions after she got back to the apartment), she's pissed, and she and Saul are gonna pull some shenanigans to get that old man to leave his house, and it's gonna come back on her at some point. And if that doesn't, it's just going to be the tipping point for her going down a dark path. I think she's on the verge of breaking bad.
  13. That's actually a poster for "Fleetwood Mac" (Rhiannon, Monday Morning, Say You Love Me, etc), came out in '75.
  14. Going through my bootlegs, weeding some stuff out, and forgot about this. Back in the early 90's Dave did a lot of soundtrack work, some with Rick and Nick. Actually, most of it was outtakes/jams from the Division Bell/Endless River sessions that Dave just adapted for the soundtracks he was asked to work on. Here's one, has a couple of really nice jam/solo sections, just ignore the audio on top. They also did the soundtrack for two films using the same music for both, just broken up in different ways, "Ruby Takes a Trip" and a mathematics documentary called "The Colours of Infinity". This is just a small portion. If you can, seek out the 16 minutes of audio pulled from the DVD, it's almost all music with very little audio on top. Can't find it on youtube, just little chunks, but you can get it on Yeeshkul or other sites I'm sure..
  15. Damn, missed that. Ah see it now. Still would have been interesting. Never say never.
  16. Jeff Ward to the Horn? That's one theory floating around the JW fan page on facebook, I could see it.
  17. Exactly. You have to remember the timeline, even though we've had to wait a year for the show to come back, it's only been a few days to them. Mike is still really raw from having to kill Werner, and then to have his son brought back up again and the guilt of that. It was pretty intense though, I was surprised as much as he loves his granddaughter, that he would yell like that, I don't think I've seen him get that upset with anyone else.
  18. I agree. That opening, I just thought, "this is stupid". Very low-bar for this show. And the minute Saul got on the elevator, you knew it was going to break down. A little too predictable. I did get a laugh out of him blowing off Howard.
  19. Thank God, that was tired from the beginning. Like Chad Briscoe's sober grandpa.
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