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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTCzech III

  1. I didn't even realized she tagged it onto his tweet, I thought she just posted it on her own running down UT, that's even more fucked up. Skanky bitch.
  2. Pretty sure it was a tweet about the news story linking UT to the Wuhan lab
  3. UTCzech III

    Led Zeppelin

    Yeah, I remember reading about it at the time in the Chronicle, you can probably find some stuff in their archives. My brother was good friends with Pinkus and hung around him at that time. I don't think he ever met JPJ, although he could have and just never mentioned it (come to think of it, he may have...). After he (my brother) passed away I do remember going through his stuff and finding a cassette of LZ II wih the J-card autographed by JPJ, but I left it for his roommates...
  4. UTCzech III

    Led Zeppelin

  5. Pivo, pivo, pivo červené Pivo, pivo, pivo červené Kdo tě bude pivo pít, Až me budem hrobě hnít Pivo, pivo, pivo červené
  6. Pevo is beer? News to me...
  7. CSB - went to UT with Michael, he was drum major in LHB and his girlfriend (wife now) was the first female drum major I now return you to your virus
  8. Another fine product from Tijuana Laboratories...
  9. Chili dog night, round 1, had some leftover shells and cheese so tried that with some leftover queso under chili, not too bad... Round 2, went back to the traditional but added sweet relish, a sloppy mess but worth it.
  10. It occurred to me last night that with next week being the season finale, we should get some action on the Gene/cab driver story. No way they would bring that up in S5E1 and then not touch it again for the rest of the season. So we got that to look forward to.
  11. Thanks man. Just getting over that bender, half a bottle of tequila and almost 54 years of age didn't work out too well for me. To quote Crash Davis, I have been known to howl at the moon...
  12. You're right, they are good guys. I'll probably out myself by posting this but I don't give a fuck. These are the end times and I'm drunk on margaritas right now. I posted this on the old (shit) site, but my brother was a roadie for them, and when he was killed by a drunk driver, they wrote a song for him. (BTW, I'm sitting at home right now, so no irony, ok...) Probably the most depressing song they ever wrote, I've listened to it maybe 3 times ever, it literally describes his death, but in a peaceful way. It's such a vicious circle , my brother is the one who got me hooked on them, and then they're chronicling his death... Yeah, my head is pretty fucked up right now... But fuck, I can put on Broadway or Ray Charles or If My Heart Was a Car, or Doreen (the original bluegrass version) or In the Satellite Rides a Star and crank that shit up. I really quit listening after my brother died, but I'll catch up. Life rolls on, but I know someday I'll see them live again and shake their hands and connect the circle once again. And tears will be shed, just as they are now, sorry... (ETA: this song is what set me off, nothing to do with my brother but it just hits me in the heart...)
  13. Guess I'm lucky I set YTTV to record the entire series before it started, I've still got 5/1 and 5/2 in my library (5 different recordings of each, actually, all available until at least November, should come in handy when football is cancelled...)
  14. Fuck this fucking shit
  15. This guy has been working on this for a couple of years, song by song, finally finished, the entire Lamb Lies Down album animated, it's fantastic, one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Tons of period (1974 or so) musical easter eggs if you look closely... (ETA - the only thing I don't like is that he used the remixed version, doesn't have the punch of the original imo...)
  16. Went to the shit site (uck, gotta shower now) and pulled my top 10, over there it was "10 albums that chart your musical history", from 2012, still stands up: Beatles - Sgt. Pepper Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water Johnny Cash - At Folsom Prison Joe Patek Orch. - Happy Joe and Other Favorites Pink Floyd - Animals Frank Zappa - Lumpy Gravy Willie Nelson - Red Headed Stranger Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures Don Walser - Texas Saouvenir Old 97s - Hitchhike to Rhome
  17. Before Saving Private Ryan came out, I remember learning about the Sullivan brothers from this song.
  18. It's never been clearly explained, but regardless of what was actually happening, in his mind they were booing him, and that was enough to piss him off.
  19. Cross-posting this one from the virus thread. And another 10cc fav of mine was inspired by this famous ad...
  20. Self-explanatory. (And this thread may have been done before, nsiap.) Could be something like "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald", or something subtler, like this one. No CR, but in light of current events, it reminded me of the liner notes to Billy Joel's "Songs in the Attic", specifically for "Miami 2017", which was written in response to the 1975 Daily News headline "Ford to City: Drop Dead". Or this one, written after a concert at MSG, where he was heckled about playing new music, people just wanted the hits (It WAS an oldies tour, to be honest)...
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