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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTCzech III

  1. When you get paid in drive-thru daiquiris, you can only handle so much of that shit.
  2. Fuck fuck fucking fuck. Got dammit. Eddie Money was a gut punch, this is a kick in the fucking nuts. A bad Cars song was still 90% better that the rest of the shit out there. Yes, I own Door to Door and I like it. Rest in peace my fellow Czech.
  3. A couple more, just some great working-man rock... Not the Byrds song....
  4. Just came to post this one. This came out right about the time I discovered FM radio, used to stay up all night in the summer listening to KILT (yes, it was a rock station at one time) and KLOL, always loved this one, here's another deep cut that is just great. RIP Eddie.
  5. Don't follow the NRA much, is Trump writing their tweets now?
  6. Happy 76th (wow!) birthday to George Roger Waters.
  7. The fact that they haven't accepted any new posters in over a year may have something to do with it. Prolly a few dumbasses waiting for a confirmation email that will never come...
  8. Not specifically a song about death, but due to the fact that Denny sings it, I've always associated it as such, and it is one that will be played at my wake...
  9. Damn, just saw on facebook that a couple, who until recently lived here in Taylor, was on that boat. He was a world-class photographer and she was an Antarctic scientist. Didn't know them personally but he did a lot of photography for the local animal shelter to help get animals adopted. Looks like they were a great couple, sure we will hear many more heartbreaking stories like this. His blog Her blog
  10. Gonna put a vote in for Barney Miller. So many great characters on that show, and very well written. Dietrich was probably my favorite, but that's just barely, Fish, Wojo, Harris, Nick, all funny as hell.
  11. But hey, we're only 5 days away from TexasWolf and his one-man game threads! (Not really, I think even wolfie has moved on from that shit show...)
  12. Now he really knows what it's like to be dead. RIP Peter.
  13. And yet the "offending" tweet is still posted...
  14. A lot more detail here: LINK
  15. Shit is old and nobody makes pats anymore. Sounds like they must be having custom parts made up. From 2018 article..
  16. There were those of us who fought against this. But in the end, we could not keep up with the expense involved in the arms race, the space race, and the peace race. And at the same time, our people grumbled for more nylons and washing machines. Our Doomsday scheme cost us just a small fraction of what we'd been spending on defense in a single year. But the deciding factor was when we learned that your country was working along similar lines, and we were afraid of a Doomsday gap.
  17. Looks like somebody just saved the New York DA a pile of work.
  18. Went to visit the daughter in Seattle earlier this summer. Huge props to everyone who recommended Copper Creek, stopped there after a day of hiking at Rainier, good God, one of the best things I've ever had. (The other 3/4ths was still in the blender cup, damn...) Also had some time to kill before the flight home, so we took a little mini-Twin Peaks tour, drove up to Snoqualmie Falls to see the falls and the "Great Northern", then headed down to North Bend to check out Twede's (aka the Double R) and have the Dale Cooper special.
  19. I see he got the Alex Jones bumper sticker starter pack.
  20. A few lesser-knowns, but definitely got the yr sound goin' on...
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