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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTCzech III

  1. Yep. My polka band is one of the few pure brass bands left in Texas, we've been told many times that we have a very mariachi sound. Love it.
  2. Being a brass player, I love banda. A lot or the modern stuff is synthesized unfortunately, but a real banda band just kicks ass, it's just insane
  3. and used so effectively here especially given the translation The Spanish lyrics use the image of a migrating swallow to evoke sentiments of longing for the homeland. It became the signature song of the exiled Mexicans
  4. Just like NowThis, taking a pounding up here in Taylor right now
  5. Just got back from a road trip to Wisconsin/UP. Headed home, stumbled upon the greatest place 10 year old me ever laid eyes on (of course the billboards every mile for 10 miles help draw you in...)
  6. Door County Brewing Co. Polka King Porter for me, Ahnapee Brewing Little Soldier Amber Ale for the wife, cheese curds ftw
  7. Round 3 - Two Women Country Ale
  8. Apple Ale and free Watermelon Splash seltzer, alphorns extra bonus
  9. New Glarus Moon Man ipa, taster was Zwickel kellerbier
  10. Round two, Oscura, Mexican style dark lager
  11. Week and a half road trip started yesterday, relaxing after some mini-golf and hiking, Walnut Street Wheat
  12. BiDEn iS oLd anD FEebLe!!
  13. Yeah, May 25 it is traveling from Shreveport to Kendleton, and then on Memorial Day it is moving from Kendleton to Laredo. I can't make either of those, but I think June 12 is when it starts the trip back north and goes from Laredo back to Kendleton. Have a ton of kin folk down that way, El Campo, Wharton, Louise, so plan to make a day of it and find a good spot to film and get some pics. Sweet engine, plus those two diesel EMDs, love those.
  14. Too lazy to look it up, but Randy Travis has a new song coming out that is totally AI generated since the guy literally has no voice anymore
  15. Green's Sausage House - Zabcikville Braunschweiger AND Jitrnice, can't beat it
  16. <sickeningly sweet voice>Did you eat all the blackberries???? Fuck off you Katy aggy stepford wife, and your son has a Hitler youth haircut...
  17. Yeah, I've been watching him since last week. does a great job (did they ever adopt that black dog?). Also, (train nerd alert), Virtual Railfan has cams in both OKC and Wichita, if the shit hits the fan might get some good footage. They actually have lots of cams in the midwest (Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, etc) that are in the danger zone at one time or another... https://www.youtube.com/@VirtualRailfan/streams
  18. Marry a woman named Imelda, you're gonna be led down a dark path.
  19. And we get to "join" these fucksticks in a couple of months... (I know, they're already here...)
  20. Reading on Reddit, apparently she has a $25000 judgment against her from the Wisc, Dept of Workforce Development, and her partner has a 4 year domestic violence (with a firearm) restraining order against him, lovely people. Dollars to doughnuts, her business is about to go under anyway, this way she can blame it on Biden and use the cause celebre to parlay it into some form of grift, either a Joe the Plumber type deal or run for office like the covid hair stylist up in Dallas, Shelly Luther, is that right? She'll be the darling of the OAN/Newsmax crowd for a couple of weeks. Regardless, the grift is the goal.
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