You should feel bad for your bogging this board down with your braindead takes.
Let me put my youdunnf'dup hat on and try to use his powers of retard reasoning here - by his reasoning the Astros benefited handsomely from their cheating which apparently extended from 2017 to 2019. Given the monetary benefit that resulted from said cheating, it was in every organization's interest to pursue the same strategy as the Astros given that these are businesses which exist to grow in value which the owner may recoup at a later time. Moreover, even with a scheme as brazen as the Astros' it was very likely they would be caught without something unprecedented taking place with Fiers deciding to rat out his former teammates. With these things in mind, it's common sense that every team in the league was cheating and probably still is cheating in an effort to . Ergo, the real victims here are the Astros.